being negative....and still successful...does anyone know that - TopicsExpress


being negative....and still successful...does anyone know that book...well i am a little sick of positive thinking books...if one of them worked we could stop writing others...but there was one more and then one more...and then a million be honest..who wants to think unhappy thoughts...the thing is trying to control your thoughts is hard..and it does not come from a superficial level of bubble gum philosophy..that says..always think big...think giant big..blah blah...controlling of thoughts comes from introspecting them..really knowing what your thoughts are..and then fixing aint easy..and wont always happen...but with a muddled aint gonna see clear..and guess what..its ok to be negative..its human..acting on thats where you need to be super human..and guess what if all of us were born winners..and if all were to unleash their potential..and blah blah..who would work for who..the world needs the super it needs its average..what we dont people telling you all the time..that its not ok to be average...guess what..some people will always be average..not coz they aint smart..but their circumstances..their destiny..their pattern in life brought them there..and probably kept them own life has been a series of very average moments and achievements..and then some spectacular moments of success..if i could design it..i would only choose the spectacular ones..or atleast more of them..but then such is life..well...guess i said..its not always be the winner..its be average...its not ok to be unhappy about it though...and thats where all the self help books..the get rich books...are wrong...trying to achieve is the key to happiness..not necessarily in the achieving though... P.S...all the average people feel free to comment...all the bull shitters on the other hand....well go is fb..who cares...
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 19:10:16 +0000

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