by John Galt July 5, 2013 09:15 ET 237 years after its birth, the - TopicsExpress


by John Galt July 5, 2013 09:15 ET 237 years after its birth, the United States of America may cease to exist as we know it within the next 90 days. The American people have become lazy, slothful, and intellectually dishonest to the point where accepting the government’s decrees which impinge on their freedoms is the accepted rule of thumb rather than fighting to defend their freedoms. Unless a drastic change occurs soon, the end of the Republic will happen much faster than imagined. Sadly, the United States and much of our population have not only forsaken the hard fought freedoms won by our Founding Fathers, they have turned their back on God so as to insure the wisdom and guidance needed to not only maintain moral leadership but to prevent the very usurpation of our freedoms that the Founders warned us about. Yet we continue to ignore those warnings, continue to minimize and distort their role in history, and rewrite the definitions of the Bill of Rights using a corrupted judicial system at every level for cover. As usual, the American people are totally enamored with their 1000 cable channels, Xbox, iWhatever, and prescription medications to sedate their rage and insulate them from caring. It is within the recent difficult economic and political times of this era that few have taken a moment to realize the dangers of forsaking divine guidance and elevating the celebration of sin. Whenever a society rejects its past and moral construct the price is usually the survival of that nation’s very existence as demonstrated throughout history. The economic problems which are lurking in the background and ignored by the media elites will be the underlying and undeclared cause of this upcoming collapse. With a larger portion of the American population aging rapidly and becoming more dependent on a manipulated market to ensure their financial survival, the opportunity to change the system is too tempting for the elites. Consider the damage done in the 2007-2009 collapse; retirees were forced off retirement and back into the work force, private property was seized without due process (bonds/equities), and criminal activity conducted by government sponsored and regulated enterprises was condoned or ignored on a wide scale. If one could return to the cookie jar and this time steal the entire jar, what makes anyone think that the banksters in coordination with the politicians will not complete the job they started? Odds are the next market “correction” will eventually lead to a full blown crash due to the Ponzi scheme nature of our markets and the crass ignorance that Capitalism actually requires the creation of capital along with the freedoms now no longer guaranteed despite the existence of our Constitution. When the markets collapse this time, retirees will be sustained only with the seizure of their retirement accounts and investments for redistribution at a lower valuation. This seizure will initially upset the nation but in the end will be accepted, as all illegal government actions, as the necessary price to be paid for everyone to survive. From that point forward all economic benefits be they wages, profits, investments, and even necessities like food will be determined using a formula controlled by the ruling class not individual initiative. Meanwhile, as the economy implodes watch for the global political establishment to reset with America’s influenced reduced to a small number of nations as we become the equivalent of the USSR in the 1960′s; which was hated by many, many nations and peoples of the world. The policies of the last two Presidents which support insurrection and revolution where none was brewing by using our intelligence services in addition to undeclared, unconstitutional wars has created a worldview that our country is out of control. As the NSA leak became visible to the masses of the US population the willingness to explore other ongoing violations of our Constitutional rights is nil. The soon to be sheared citizenry has ignored gross violations of eminent domain abuse, illegal searches and seizures of physical property and persons, and interference between two parties (or more) to engage in legal lawful contractual agreements. The 1st Amendment might as well be dead with the government influencing the news in preparation for a seizure of total control of all broadcast and communications outlets under the guise of a national emergency. Without any push to save those rights, Americans will soon lose all of them. In the eyes of other coutnries, we are a nation lead by an almost Fascistic regime which adores its own power and wishes to impose the same designs on other countries as they have on our own. The geopolitical situation we have created as a nation shall now come home to roost as Egypt and Syria flare up into a conflagration which might well start the most disastrous world war in history while leaving quasi-superpowers like China and Russia on the sidelines acting as merchants to the combatants. The United States has demonstrated that the current leadership, just like the prior administration, fails to comprehend the desires of the citizens in the region to exist peacefully and instead profits from the conflicts created by anti-Israel and anti-Christian groups which we continue to fund, finance, and arm. As the nations of the world realize that a friendship with the U.S. means a sacrifice of domestic economic and political freedom, they will shun us like the dictatorial leper we have become. Our regime in turn will declare those nations pariahs and seek revenge to seize control by using either our intelligence services or overt military action. The consequences of a conflict this time will spread to our shores, as if by design, and that is the trigger event necessary to complete the original plan to change our nation forever. I pray that this is not it. I pray that we never hear the declaration of a national emergency and suspension of Constitutional rights via the media. I pray that our nation is not so stupid so as to engage in another foolish Middle East conflict which spreads to our shores. Sadly, every indication appears to be to the contrary. Within the next ninety days there is great potential for those that wish to accelerate their plans for a revised American system which parallels but exceeds the state controlled Capitalism of Communist China will will be imposed upon us. The political elites currently in power are too tempted by their own visions of glory and the financial elites are ready to make their play for total systemic control without the restrictions of our Constitution and individual rights. Barring a miracle from God almighty, I fear that they will succeed.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 00:40:08 +0000

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