by rizwan Dealing with IS in Iraq and Syria. kerry made it clear - TopicsExpress


by rizwan Dealing with IS in Iraq and Syria. kerry made it clear that US and its allies would require 3 years to clear IS from Syria and Iraq. If Arab countries agree to three year period , then after 3 years christians would treat Sunni muslims as patients with leprosy or infectious disease. I rizwan request Arab countries to make or follow my plan to eliminate IS from iraq an syria with in 40 days to 4 months period . arab countries and turkey should pledge an army of highly trained 50000 soldiers for iraq and syria. if you dont want your soldiers in iraq and syria then ask nato for 50000 soldiers . or ask openly through media , that dismissed republican guards of saddam can rejion iraq army immediately , as they are expert since they fought wars with iran and Nato. every body talks of arming kurds and shias, but nobody says that arm sunnis of iraq and syria to fight against IS or MS.any good reason. call IS as MS that is millitant state. if that is also not possible do one simple thing, 1 Request Pakistan to send 50000 rangers or soldiers for iraq and syria , who are presently battling pak taliban. pak soldiers are battle hardened and are expert in urban war fare. 2 give pak army 5 billion dollars per month for 50000 soldiers that is 1 lakh dollars per month per soldier. 3 give military gear , bullet proof wests and military hardware , similar to the one given to US marines, to Pakistani soldiers. give US marines training to pak soldiers for one week and after one week pak soldiers will become deadlier than marines. 4 give pak soldiers that is pak airforce 120 eurofighter typhoons and 200 attack helicopters. train the pak pilots for one week , and they will become expert in manevouring fighters with in one week . 5 strategy is simple, pakistani soldiers would carry ground offensive in areas held by IS terrorists, in armoured vehicles , similar to the one used in afganistan and iraq by nato soldiers. pak soldiers would carry ground offensive, and ariel bombardments of IS targets would be carried out by pak pilots or nato pilots simultaneously, and pak soldiers will reclaim back cities in syria and iraq from IS control. if you follow this plan , pak soldiers would eliminate , IS completely from syria and iraq completely with in 40 days to 4 months period. In return i am asking US , Uk , nato countries and arab countries should guarentee that once IS is exterminated they will bombard assad regimes ammunition depots , its fighter jets and helicopters, missiles sites . arming 1 lakhs free syrian army , and they would take control of syria compeletely with out killing shias, and free syrian army would form sunni gov in syria according to their population. in iraq in return i am asking not for a idiotic , anti sunni gov , like the present now , where pm and kurd are pm and president . i am demanding 40 % Reservation to sunnis of iraq in oil and gas, land , military , police and parliament. this is what is called as unity gov , sunni will share power with shias. if you declare these two strategy then IS would be defeated by 90 % , evn before a single bullet is fired against IS. now putin says that with out UN mandate US or nato cant bombard or send soldiers to invade syria. mr barack obama ask putin did he took permission from UN , when he massacared 150000 chechen rebels in chechneya. or did he took permission from UN when ruissia invaded afganistan. or did he took permission from UN when it armed terrorists to take control of eastern part of Ukraine. no putin never took permission from UN. so US , UK, and nato countries should not seek permission from UN for carrying out attacks against assad regime and IS simultaneously. turkey should do its part in the war . i hate kamat ataturk , but if he was in situation similar to the one in which erdogan is , he would have said even if IS slaughters 5000 citizens of turkeys citizens, then also turkey would take part in direct war with IS millitants . mr erdogan you are far more superior ruler than kamal , then sacrifice 50 of your citizens and fight war against IS openly . Saudi arabia , Bahrian , qatar , kuwait and other middle east countries and turkey should understand that baghdadi leader of IS changed his religion from sunni islam to shia , while in detention. he is a slave of shia . he is working to make sure that assad continues to rule syria for a long period. baghdadi is working to make sure sunnis dont get 40 % reservation in all fields in iraq. kindly make pamplets of the message in brackets and air drop millions of pamplets on IS held positions in syria and iraq and also in all of your news media to stop flow of foreign fighters to iraq. ( first baghdadi is a slave of iran and receives orders directly from pres of iran and khemnie. he wants to glorify shia and show sunni muslims in darkness and brutality. being a distant relative of prop Mohammed is not a qualification to become a calipha . baghdadi is insulting caliphate of Abu bakar siddiq, umar , othman and ali , by calling himself a caliph . how can that scoundrel baghdadi compare himself to the four Rightly guided caliphs. islam teached of democrary during prop Mohammed and after his death . the four rightly guided caliphs were not given calipathe , because they were close to prop Mohammed., but were elected by majority of arabs. baghdadi if he is a real sunni muslim , and not a shia slave, then he should resign from caliphat and ask for votings in muslim countries to select him or any person from saudi arabia or any other person from other arab countries as caliph , based on moral and ethical standards nor by some sick self declaration as a caliph. if baghdadi is a real muslim , then why after slaughter of 170000 sunni muslims of syria by assad , is he selling power and crude oil to assad shia regime . if now obama says a false that in mosul IS slaughtered 25000 christians and raped 5000 christian womens then also baghdadi would , knowing the fact that IS didnt do so , would claim responsibility . because he wants to malign sunni muslims name . he wants the entire world to hate and treat sunni muslims as lepers. he allowed killing of two US reporters who were reporting brutality of assad against sunnis of syria. he allowed killing of one aid worker of UK ,who was helping sunni muslims of syria. because baghdadi wants nobody to report the mass killing or genocide of sunni muslims by assad in syria to foreign countries. because baghdadi wants no country to provide aid to displaced sunni muslims of syria.. so IS fighters should disband and withdraw from islamic state. and kill baghdadi for real Islam of Allah. understand this very clearly baghdadi is a shia, who takes orders from iran and assad regime , whose only purpose is to bring maximum possible bad name to sunni Islam . prop mohammeds favourite colour is white and green. so why are IS soldiers wearing complete black coloured clothings , because shia favourite colour is black not white . disband IS completely. ) IS can be defeated only by airiel bombardment , and by ground offense by pak or nato soldiers only. muslims rulers should not agree to kerry three year dream honeymoon with IS . muslims rulers of arab countries and turkey should focus on a period of 40 days to 4 months for erasing IS , and not three years otherwise , after 3 years sunni muslims would be treated as lepers and Islam , would be the most hated religion . so go for 40 days to 4 months period only. spend maximum money in the cause of Allah, in a wise manner, in fight against IS or MS . for the sake of Islam , do no more delays . Md Rizwan siddiqui age 31, Be Mechanical engineer, Bangalore . Rizwan
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 09:23:38 +0000

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