copy and paste: 100 Awesome Little Things You Forget to Cherish - TopicsExpress


copy and paste: 100 Awesome Little Things You Forget to Cherish in Life 1. The sound of your dog running to greet you after you’ve been gone for 10 minutes. 2. The feeling of clean hot underwear right out of the dryer. 3. The look of wordless pride on dad’s face. 4. The moment you first meet a friend after a long separation. 5. Rescuing a lost animal. Any animal. 6. Making a random recipe that turns out beyond ridiculously delicious. 7. Waking up alert and rested before your alarm. 8. The look of unbelievable love on your mom’s face. 9. When you find yourself rejoicing by default instead of complaining. 10. The first bite on bakery that is just out of the oven. 11. The feeling of fresh new clean sheets on the bed. 12. The sound of the garage door opening. Honey is home. 13. The smell of a home cooked meal when you get home after a long workout. 14. The smell of incense filling up your home. 15. The feel of your own yoga mat under your bare feet. 16. The moment when you sink into a hot bubbly bath tub. 17. That first bite of food when your stomach has been growling for hours. 18. Cuddling with a great novel in front of the fire. 19. Cuddling with a great novel in bed under the sheets. 20. The sound of your favorite song on the radio. 21. The wordless apology that breaks the tension. 22. The feeling of being squeaky clean after a hot shower. 23. The first kiss after you make up with your sweetie. 24. The first autumn breeze after a hot summer. 25. The sound of the rain outside while you work or doze off. 26. The moment you wrap your cold hands around a warm cup of hot tea. 27. Walking on fresh snow. 28. Watching the sun go down. 29. Watching the sun come up. 30. The first few minutes after you get out of the freezing cold. 31. The taste of cool water on a hot summer day. 32. Food after a hard physical workout. 33. The moment you get out of a long drawn-out yoga pose. 34. The day when the old injury finally leaves your body for good. 35. When scars heal without a mark. 36. When the writing flows. 37. Wet dog kisses. 38. Spotting a whale from the shore. 39. When you find the perfect home for stuff you never ever use. 40. The look on your friend’s face as she opens your gift. 41. Holding a quiet happy smiling baby. 42. When your parents brag about you to their friends. 43. When you brag about your parents to your friends. 44. Love. With all its ups and downs and lows and highs. Love in all forms and shapes. 45. When you go deep in your meditation. 46. When your operation goes better than expected. 47. Realizing you are ready to forgive and let go. 48. The feeling of wind on a scalding hot day. 49. Spotting a personal letter in the stack of junk mail. 50. When you hear “I’m proud of you!” from that special someone. 51. The unexpected good news that you’d forgotten you were waiting for. 52. Spotting an old friend at the store. 53. Crying at the movies. 54. When kindness is returned in double. 55. The feeling of giving. 56. Giving a helping hand without being asked. 57. The pleasure of reading. Reading whatever you want. 58. The freedom to choose. 59. Finding a long lost something you’ve declared totally gone. 60. Making soups in the winter. 61. Knowing spring is imminent after winter. 62. Watching trees shed their leaves without regret. 63. When a habit takes hold. 64. The sound of “I love you.” 65. Getting an email from someone you’ve been missing. 66. The accidental photo with your phone that turns out as a piece of art. 67. Instantaneous conversations, no matter the distance, via texting. 68. The quiet and solitude after you’ve been among crowds. 69. The knowing look of love that needs no words, no sounds. 70. Feeling and being understood. 71. Slipping out of your work clothes after a long day. 72. Getting a clean bill of health at your physical. 73. Shopping for something new after a long period of saving up. 74. Watching a snippet of your childhood cartoons. 75. The start of a new movie after the previews finally end. 76. Coffee shops. WiFi. 77. Falling into a deep sound sleep. 78. The muffled sound of your sweet heart talking in another room. 79. Sneaking out for something fun in the middle of a work day. 80. Afternoon naps on cold drizzly winter days. 81. Slipping into an old pair of jeans and feeling even younger. 82. Skin glow and your friends begging to know the secret. 83. The emails that say you helped change their life for the better. 84. When gratitude fills your heart near to bursting. 85. Road trips. 86. When the conversation is good. 87. Seeing a loved one you’ve lost in a vivid dream. 88. Following your intuition and being right. 89. Listening to your body, and having it thank you in a million ways. 90. When your courage gets stronger than your fear. 91. Stealing away time to catch up with old friends. 92. When you push past your flexibility limits, when the body opens. 93. Moving on and getting over someone who hurt you. 94. When the bad stuff turns out to open doors to better things. 95. The sound of your own breath. 96. Being around those who help your being. 97. Books. Oh my, books. 98. A good neighbor. 99. The miracle of hearing, seeing, moving, breathing, eating, and living in your body. 100. Your beautiful life. All of it. The whole things is a miracle.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 15:43:56 +0000

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