cripes, now richard sherman is firing his mouth off about desean - TopicsExpress


cripes, now richard sherman is firing his mouth off about desean getting let go and riley cooper here we go its going to turn into racial not condoning what cooper said, hes an idiot...but this is about business....dont get it twisted...the NFL is just that a this day and age when teams are worth BILLIONS of dollars its all about money. That being said if there was someone who worked in your office who constantly challenged the boss, brought down morale in the work place, had a potentially damaging persona out of work that possibly violated your companys policy (most companies have a policy in regards to doing anything that would cast a bad light on the business do to your behavior) and your salary was at the upper end comensurate to that of your peers, do you think you would remain employed with said company? I think the birds handled it completely wrong, as a fan it sucks to see a dynamic player gone...but in the end it was a business decision. Not about gangs, race or performance....but when youre a pain in the ass to the coach you usually dont have a long shelf life. Cooper shot his mouth off, got caught and made amends with his teammates...but fell into line and shut his yap the rest of the season....Desean made a spectacle of himself after a bad play in the playoffs and went after the coach...he was as good as gone then. If you dont tow the company line they will find a way to get rid of ya, right, wrong or indifferent...happens all the time...even to people who dont deserve it...we all know someone that its happened to. rant over...cant wait for the 2014 draft!!!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 04:20:04 +0000

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