eto yung sa english Rhetorical Acts of Paragraph Development - TopicsExpress


eto yung sa english Rhetorical Acts of Paragraph Development ENGLISH 2 EXPOSITION the form most frequently used in daily life. Evidences are : a. In general, it is applied by everyone in communicating knowledge or thought by means of speech; b. It is basic to most artistic writing or creative literature; c. It is employed in the conduct of business affairs; d. It is used in revealing the findings of science and advances in technology; e. It is utilized by professionals in preparing records and reports. DEFINITION OF EXPOSITION Formally defined, exposition is that form of writing or oral composition which explains or interprets facts or ideas. It is derived from the word exponere meaning to set forth. Thus, exposition refers to any writing that presents facts or opinions. DEFINITION OF EXPOSITION Formally defined, exposition is that form of writing or oral composition which explains or interprets facts or ideas. It is derived from the word exponere meaning to set forth. Thus, exposition refers to any writing that presents facts or opinions. EXPOSITORY PARAGRAPHS The general qualities that are desirable in expository paragraphs are: 1. Full development, that is, complete enough to lead the reader to see that point you are making 2. The use of both details and general statements to make your point convincing and interesting. EXPOSITORY PARAGRAPHS 3. A clear relationship between the statements so that the reader will grasp your point easily. EXPOSITORY PARAGRAPHS There are 3 basic stages in writing expository paragraph: 1. Recognition of patterns with the use of models. 2. Process or the are of selecting and collecting appropriate information. 3. Production, the stage where the writer puts flesh on the skeleton. NARRATION It appeals to one of humankind’s basic instincts, the impulse to share stories. Sometimes the aim of the storyteller is simply to entertain, to provide, to instruct or to help others in their understanding of something. NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH A narrative paragraph is one that tells a story, for sequence of events are written down in the order in which they occurred. It develops the topic as a story. Most of the events are arranged in chronological order. NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH The connection between statements in a narrative is usually simple: time controls. One detail appears after another as each happened in time or as they are imagined to have happened. The time may be emphasized and made more obvious by adverbs like then, after, soon, in few days and other time signals. POINT OF VIEW a. OMNICIENT POINT OF VIEW Omniscience, the most generally used point of view, means the condition of knowing everything. a. LIMITED POINT OF VIEW This method makes the writers hold themselves to what one person might have seen or experienced. FACTORS OF NARRATION a. Sense of Immediacy b. The sense of Reality c. Movement d. In media res a Latin phrase, in media res, means that in the middle of things a. Quoted Language b. Knowing when to Quit BIOGRAPHY AS NARRATION Biography is a factual presentation of the life history of an individual in a manner calculated to produce a unique impression of the character, mind and personality of the subject. ANECDOTE AS NARRATION Anecdote is a stimulating instrument of the biography and is used to amuse the reader. It may be a short account of some small incident, or it may be a bit of information about someone’s personal habits. Both sorts of anecdotes serve one purpose: they reveal character, something about personalities. HISTORY AS NARRATION History is a narrative that recounts events with attention to their importance, their mutual relations, causes, and consequence; it is therefore highly selective. The chief purpose of history is to instruct and its requirements are: thoroughness, accuracy and clarity. HISTORY AS NARRATION The record of history may be divided into two separate things: 1. The actual past or real events which took place in the past. 2. A record done by the mind which composed it (historian). CLASSIFICATION OF HISTORY a. History of an Event. This deals with one episode like a great explosion, accident or revolution. b. History of a Period. It deals with many episodes that happened over a long period of time like the Renaissance, Martial. CLASSIFICATION OF HISTORY c. Topical History. This covers special historical subjects, cutting across several chronological periods, and purposely isolated from other subjects like history of Education, World War II d. Folk History. It aims to show readers how ancestors lived, thought, worked, perished to satisfy normal human curiosity about other human beings like Ancient Egyptian life. Sample Text It was late and every one had left the café except an old man who sat in the shadow of the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the daytime the street was dusty. The two waiters knew that the old man was a little drunk and a while he was a good client he knew that if became too drunk he would leave without paying, so they kept watch on him … Excerpted from A clean, Well Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway, 1933 DEFINITION Definition is the process by which through analysis and explication the meaning of term is made clearer. It is considered as a basic technique and very useful in explaining unfamiliar terms or giving new meanings to familiar ones. It is necessary for indicating the precise sense in which words are used. It has 2 kinds, either formal or informal. INFORMAL DEFINITION Informal definition is no more than the substitution of familiar words or phrases for unfamiliar terms. Sometimes a phrase, clause or even a sentence may be used in informal definition. Example: FORMAL DEFINITION Formal definition follows a concise logical pattern that permits a maximum of information in a minimum of space. It is methodical and systematic. It involves two steps: 1. Identifying the species as a member of a class and, 2. Distinguishing it to the others. FORMAL DEFINITION The technique of formal definition is composed of three parts: a. species – term or concept defined (ex. radio) b. genus – the family or class the species belong (ex. appliance) c. differentia – specific characteristics of the specie which set it apart from the other species. (ex. Used for listening music and news reports) FORMAL DEFINITION Example: A radio is an appliance which is used for listening music and news reports. METHODS OF DEFINITION a. Physical Description b. Word Derivation or Etymology c. Elimination d. Negative Statement e. Concrete Examples and Instances f. Location SAMPLE TEXT Communication comes from the Latin words con- meaning with, munus- meaning a business, communis meaning common, and communico- to confer or to relate with one another. In layman’s language, communication emanates from the need to share ideas or information from one person to another by the use of symbols such as words, pictures, figures, and graphs. - Technical Writing and Reporting Judy Imelda L. Igoy, Ph.D., et al. Trinitas Publishing Bulacan, 2004 DESCRIPTION It is the ability to describe something convincingly effectively gives a great edge to serve a writer well in any kind of essay writers. Description may stand alone as rhetorical mode or it can be used as an aid in exposition. It could be informative or evocative. DESCRIPTION Informative description is what is found in expository materials or technical writing, on the other hand, Evocative description is what is found in creative literature – short stories, novels, poetry, or on special types of essays. ROLE OF SENSORY IMAGE IN DESCRIPTION ROLE OF SENSORY IMAGE IN DESCRIPTION ROLE OF SENSORY IMAGE IN DESCRIPTION FIGURES OF SPEECH AS AN AID TO DESCRIPTION FIGURES OF SPEECH AS AN AID TO DESCRIPTION FIGURES OF SPEECH AS AN AID TO DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TEXT Cholesterol is soft waxy form of fat that resides in the bloodstream and in the cells in your body. Among other useful functions, it helps form cell membranes and generate hormones. The liver manufactures all the cholesterol your body needs, but when too much cholesterol accumulates, the excess is deposited in the arteries where it narrows blood passageways which can lead to heart disease. - From Health and Home, Sept.-Oct. 2004
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:12:55 +0000

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