even if u dont think that justice is served or not ,,,remember,,, - TopicsExpress


even if u dont think that justice is served or not ,,,remember,,, we dont have to live with the guilt that Zimmerman has to for killing someone and we dont have to stand before our maker and answer for it,,, if he did it out of malice, he will suffer,,,, i have seen many things posted that he must be guilty and so forth,,, from people who relied on what the press has posted,,, so the people who actually got the real facts didnt get the same "made up" facts from, raciest and haters, apparently ,,,, that is why it is so important to stop listening to the press, they always have an agenda and it is what they want, not necessarily the same thing as the truth,,, they are in it for money,,, and sensation makes money
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 02:31:28 +0000

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