eya guys!! I think u forgot my story... So here are first five - TopicsExpress


eya guys!! I think u forgot my story... So here are first five parts of lost love u can read them here and ill post the next part very soon... :) Lost love Chapter-1 It was Sunday and like every sunday John stood infront of the tomb of his beloved wife... His two year old daughter Marry was sleeping in the car... He left the window open so as he could hear in case she wakes up and calls him... Standing there he read the engravings on the tomb which he had himself decided while his love was buried... “Beloved wife and mom, You will always reside in our hearts, Jane Thompson” A tear escaped his eyes... As he remembered that it had been more than a year when she died... His love and mother of his lovely daughter was not with them now and still he felt a void in his heart... He still remembered each and every moment spent with her... Sometimes he felt like it was just yesterday when she was there in his arms,but sometimes it felt like it happened a decade ago... He placed the red roses he brought for her every Sunday on the tomb,she loved them... Their fragrance lingered in the cool morning breeze... Which brought back all the memories of her... They played in his mind... He sat down near the grave and removed the dried leaves which covered it... Tears from his eyes seemed to clean the grave... Her innocence and charm... Her sweet laugh as if of a kid... The way she loved and cared for him and Marry... The sweet and bitter moments they had been through together... The way she dressed Marry in her infant age... The way she carried Marry and posed for a photograph when he clicked a picture... The way she kissed him... That content feeling when they made love... All those moments were now lost... She took with her his soul... “don’t ....please don’t beat me i am sorry....leave me....i am so sorry” But he didn’t listen to her and kept kicking her hard in the stomach... “i told u i need a good sandwich and u gave me this...u whore...” He hit her hard on the face... Blood spilled from her mouth... “i am sorry...please don’t...”she cried and begged lying on the floor.... He held her hard and dragged her with him.... “please leave me i am so sorry...” Ria sweat and shivered in bed... Shouting for mercy... Again she was having a nightmare about him... Her husband... Whom she once loved but now feared to death... She had ran away from him to a new city... And lived with a new name and identity... She still feared that somehow he would find her and force her to be back to him... And she didn’t wanted to be back to that hell... She woke up shuddering and realised that it was a dream... She thanked god for that but her cruel past still made her cry and weak... Being in a new city with a new name was also difficult... She also changed her looks... Her beautiful hair were now cut short and were messy... She wore a hat which almost covered her face when she moved out... All this bcoz she was still frightened that he would come chasing her though it had been more than six months since she ran away... She got up from the bed and wiped her tears... Today was her holiday and she had to go on shopping as she still didn’t have a perfect house to say home.... She wished the day to pass without any trouble... TO BE CONTINUED.... ~vaidz~ ^_^ ST LOVE CHAPTER-2 John went to the car and shook marry... “wake up my princess,see where we are?u wanna meet mommy huh??come on...” After a while she finally woke up and rubbed her eyes... He took her to the tomb, she bent down and kissed the grave... “i love u mommy,miss u” He stood there watching her... She touched the grave with her small hands... Though she was very young to understand all this but he wanted her not to forget Jane ever that is why he brought her with him every Sunday... She got up and looked at him with puffy eyes... She looked so sweet and innocent,she reminded him of Jane,those brown curly hair and deep blue eyes were same as jane’s,she is the best gift jane had left for him... “come on sweetheart lets go...” They went to their little house which was no longer a home since Jane left... He made scrambled eggs and juice for breakfast... Gave milk and some biscuits to Marry and went to take a bath... Marry ate her breakfast while playing with a doll... He was already late to open his small grocery store... Which was still the best in their small city... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... .................. Ria walked to the grocery store,she still didn’t had any vehicle nor could she have any in future because she couldn’t get a license with the fake identity which she used... While walking many men turned and stared at her,with those messy looks still she looked pretty enough to gain anyone’s attention.... She entered the grocery store.... A small girl was coloring a picture at the counter... She greeted her with “hello”... Ria smiled and replied-“hello sweetheart” “do you think this picture... i colored is pletty mich??” Marry asked in her sweet childish tone and accent... “yes...sweety its surely a best one...” “thank you mich?” “miss Ria sweety...” “Mich Lia...Nich to meet you...” “pleasure is all mine baby...” With this Ria smiled and moved to the racks searching for the things she needed... She had smiled like this after a decade and that too due to that sweet little girl... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................... John heard marry talking to a woman and hid in the racks and witnessed the conversation with the lady... She was new in town cause he had seen her only once or twice in the store... But today it was something different... For the first time after Jane died he noticed a lady... Though her hair were messy and short and she wore no makeup still she could make a man fall for her easily... With that fair and flawless skin and deep green beautiful eyes she looked even more appealing... The set of eyes she had were really rare for a woman to have... And the way she treated Marry reminded him of Jane... This woman had something different in her which he found really attractive... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... .............. Ria searched the racks for floor cleaner,but was unable to locate one... A man in his early thirties approached her... “may i help u miss Ria,i saw u talking to my daughter Marry at the counter??” “oh she is a sweet kid......i just need a floor cleaner” She smiled,met his eyes once and then spoke with her face lowered to the ground... Her eyes showed him the pain she had been through... “thank you....and the floor cleaners are in the next rack..e with me i’ll show u” He took her to the rack... She picked a floor cleaner from the rack and placed it in the basket she had in her hands having the things she needed to purchase... “thank u very much Mr.??” “john...It was nice meeting u...” “same here” She replied in a low voice... She once more checked the things in her basket and matched them with the list she had brought with her,then she again moved to the billing counter... “hi again mich Ria,see i dlessed my doll into new clothes,will u help me putting new shoes on her??” “a... she looks so pretty sweety, here give me the shoes...” She put the shoes on the doll and gave it to Marry and smiled.... Marry smiled back,and started brushing the hair of her doll with a small comb... John came to the counter and started billing her things... “i guess u are new in the city” “yes i shifted few months back from argentina” She answered never meeting his eyes and lied about the place.... “if u need any help regarding the city,feel free to ask...I’ll be glad to help u...” “thank you” With that she paid the bill,took the things she had bought and left without a glance.... He stood there at the counter gazing in her direction till she disappeared... While walking Ria’s heart was still at the store... The conversation she had with John kept playing in her mind... His deep brown eyes and black hair with flicks of grey at places made him more appealing... His tough look with sweet way of talking made him more attractive... In all ways he was damn handsome and could make a girl fall for him head over heals... TO BE CONTINUED.... ~vaidz~ LOST LOVE CHAPTER-3 Monday morning Ria was working at the restaurant, she worked there as a waitress... John and Marry entered the restaurant... Immediately she noticed him but ignored... John was surprised to see her there... He didn’t knew she worked there... After a while she came with two glasses of water... And greeted them with “hello” “hello mich Lia i didn’t knew u work here...” “yes sweetheart i work here...what would u like to have baby??” She said with a pleasant smile... John was mesmerised by her smile and way of talking,he continuously gazed at her smiling idiotically... “i would like to have some flench flies,and some chocolate chake...” Ria started giggling on the way Marry said french fries... “aww...baby i’ll be back with ur order in a minute...” She turned towards john who was still lost in her... “john what would u like to have??” He was so lost in her that he didn’t hear what she said... He was still gazing at her with that idiotic smile... “john??” “umhhmmm....yes...??... i am sorry” He was really embarrassed and she got him... “what would u like to have...” “ummm... a veg cheese burger would be fine...and ya... some coke...” “okay sir... i’ll be back...” She turned and shook her head, her lips curled in a smile... John’s smiling face kept lingering infront of her eyes... She thought he was really very cute guy... She returned with their order... “here sweety...have ur French fries and chocolate shake...” “thank u mich Lia..” “u r most welcome sweety” “for how much time u work here ria??”john asked to initiate convo... “from morning 9 am to 7 pm...” “oh i see...” “how come u are here today??isnt ur shop open??” “Marry wanted to have some chocolate shake....and the shop is open mrs. Josephine Marry’s caretaker is at the shop...she is very nice lady....” “mhmmm.... good....by the way u have a lovely daughter....i just love her....” She said and smiled looking at Marry... “thank u mich Lia...I love u too...” “thanx ria...ummm...i need to ask u something...” John said with a confused look... He didn’t knew what he was doing but his instinct told him to ask her out anyhow...he wanted to know her,to spend time with her...to share all the things he had kept inside his heart since jane died.... This woman was driving him crazy and she was the first one who had this effect on him after jane... He started sweating heavily due to nervousness... “aaaaa.....how is it to be in a new city??” He asked proving himself fool again.... “oh....u wanted to ask this?? Its tough to be all alone.... but its fun also...and people here are really very amazing and helping....so i guess i would settle down soon...my colleague told me about Marry’s mom... i am so sorry to hear about her...” “me too” John said remembering Jane’s last day... Suddenly all the feelings which started developing for Ria felt wrong...like he was cheating on Jane... He knew it was good to move on but his heart still felt like this was not right.... A costumer called ria... “excuse me i’ll be back...” Sudden change in john’s behaviour didn’t go unnoticed,Ria knew it was really very tough on his side and he needed time... And as told by her colleague John was really a nice guy and after his wife’s death he was brokenhearted and it was tough on his side to digest sudden death of his beloved and to take care of their daughter on his own... But he dedicated his life to his daughter and gave her his best... He always stood there for her... He became her mother, father,friend,etc according to her needs... She really respected him for the man he is... She went to take the order of the costumer who called her... She sensed trouble... The person was really horrible... With muscular arms covered with tattoos,red bulging eyes.... He looked like a criminal... While taking his order she noticed him winking at her... and as she was leaving he touched her at the back knowingly and whistled... Ria ignored and walked to the counter to prepare his order.... When she returned with it he grabbed her arm... “sit with me baby...u know u look so beautifull,come here i will take good care of u...”he said touching her face with his finger.... “sir i need to go....” She tried to loosen his grip but failed... He reminded her of her husband and she was frightened... Her heart throbbed in her chest... She prayed to god for mercy... TO BE CONTINUED..... ~vaidz~ ! LOST LOVE CHAPTER-4 “please leave me it hurts Daniel” She continuously tried to loosen his grip but failed.... Unknowingly she took the name of her husband... Ria was afraid to death... Her collegue saw what was happening and ran to call the manager... John saw all the things and couldn’t control his rage anymore... He just wanted to smash the head of that bastard... He went there... “leave her hand right now...” His face indicated how angry he was... “oh...sweet lil friend of the girl is here to save her huh?? Back off u asshole if u wanna leave this hotel in ur senses...” John couldn’t control anymore,he knew he couldn’t fight the man in strength so he grabbed a chair and banged it at his head from behind.... Blood spilled out from his head.... He fainted and fell on the ground.... Ria was in tears,she ran and hugged john and thanked him for saving her,she was shivering... “its nothing to be afraid now dear,please don’t cry ria...” After witnessing all this Marry was also in tears,she came running to john and ria and hugged them both... “Thank u John...if u wouldn’t be here then what i would’ve done...” Ria said with tears flowing from her eyes and holding him even harder... “shhhh....m here with u always....now stop crying baby...” Manager and ria’s co-worker also witnessed the scene... They called the police and ambulance,manager told ria to leave and go to home for resting as she had enough for today... “i’ll drop u home...in any condition i am not letting u go home alone walking...”john said Ria objected but manager and her co-worker convinced her... John,Ria and Marry left for Ria’s home in john’s car... While driving john gazed at Ria in the mirror who was lost in her thoughts and her eyes showed him great sorrow... He knew the man she mentioned had something to do with it... He decided to find out who this man was and what was his relation with Ria... It is said that our past always haunts us... Ria witnessed that today... This incident made her live each and every horrible moment of her married life again... And again it freshened the wound in her heart... Facing one’s nightmare is not easy... Marry fell asleep on the way, it was a tiring day for her... They reached ria’s home... “please come in for a coffee...” She didn’t wanted to be alone after facing all that... And the respect she had for john increased a lot... She now trusted him and knew that this man would never hurt her... John also didn’t want to leave her alone, he nodded and parked the car infront of her house... He carried Marry in his arms and went in... He put marry on the couch and went in the kitchen where Ria was making coffee for them... She didn’t met his eyes but he knew she had been crying... “are u alright??” She wiped off her tears and answered “yeah m fine...” And smiled weakly... TO BE CONTINUED... ~vaidz~ LOST LOVE CHAPTER-5 The coffee was ready... Ria handed his mug to John and brought her mug herself... They settled in the porch... “i know u didn’t cry because of today’s incident...what happened Ria??who is Daniel?? wanna share??” John asked... “its a long story...” “i’ve got all day...” She turned her face... She had never shared this with anyone... She was afraid but she trusted John... “starting from the beginning....i was in college when i met this guy Daniel...he was all a girl wants in a guy...pollite,charming,rich,had good sense of humour,handsome...i fell for him immediately...and the irony of the situation is that he also liked me...so he asked me out and it all started from there....” She sighed... Remembering all the happy moments they shared together before their marriage...the moments when she fell in love with Daniel... “we went out and i fell in love with him...and on my birthday he proposed me....and i said yes...” She said lowering her face... “we got married very soon...and thats when my world changed...he was totally a different person...he never cared about my feelings...he just kept me like a maid to do his household chores and to sleep with him and fulfil his desires....he raped me daily...beat me so much that my child in womb died....” She broke down into tears... All that she had gone through played in her mind.... John wanted to kill Daniel after listening to this... How could a man kill his own child by beating his wife... He got up and placed a hand on her shoulders and started consoling her... “i left the house and ran away somehow...changed my looks...my identity everything...i am still afraid that he might come searching me someday....u know i had long blonde straight hair but i cut them and coloured them brown....i still have nightmares about him everyday....and i wake up crying...life has not been easy for me John...these wounds would never mend...” She cried and told him everything.... He hugged her and caressed her back... TO BE CONTINUED..... ~vaidz~
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:22:02 +0000

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