failure is temporarily , you not trying again is what makes it - TopicsExpress


failure is temporarily , you not trying again is what makes it permanently.dont give yourself reasons why you cant, give yourself reasons why you can.sometimes you just gotta put it on the line, take a chance and let it all ride. sometimes you put your money were your mouth is, and lay down your pride. pride blocks more opportunities than wed like to admit. if you fail you fail, at least you had the guts to try. fall down seven times stand up eight. sometimes a dream is just a dream, sometimes it leads to something more. when one relationship/moment/dream/passion is removed from your life it makes room for a bigger one , i know thats hard to see, but look back through the journal of your life. how many times does your biggest aspiration seem silly now in hindsight. dont hold onto the past unless its to learn from your mistakes or it drives you to be better“. sometimes you just cant help what happens to you, but how you react to what happens to you, is a totally different story.. life is tough, but you must chooses to be tougher.and you are, so wake up and take the next step, make that call, grant that forgiveness. live:) move forward. its a process, remember that, its not a movie montage where you go from out of shape to six pack abs in 3 minutes. it takes work. dont be afraid of it. embrace it. dance to its rhythm. fall in love with the challenge. encourage the people around you by never givin up on your dreams. you never know who is watching you and sayin "if they can do it , i can do it",. dont be afraid to inspire yourself or others. every failure is a step toward success. edison tried over 2000 filaments before he found the right one to use in a light bulb. just look around you, now think how that changed the world...what if he would of stopped at 1,999...the world would be a much different place. now apply that to your humanity. there are things and jobs in your life that only YOU can be...i.e. a wife to your husband, a mother/father to your children the list goes on and on. stop worrying about the things that dont matter and focus on what you and only you can do. let peope walk out of your life that dont support you. they dont have to agree with everything you do to truly love you. in the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. Do just once what others say you can’t do and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.circumstances dont make the you, they reveal you. sometimes what they reveal is awesome, sometimes its ugly. either way dont be afraid to take a long hard,honest look at yourself in the mirror,because your the only person that can change the person staring back at you. Press on – nothing can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent.” -calvin coolidge spend your life wisely. invest in the people that love you and will be honest with you in love, even if what they say hurts you sometimes:) Life if like a penny, you can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once. above all else though, love love, love because without love, all of life and its pursuits are meaningless and hollow:)you cant always do great things but you can always do small things with great love:) #muchlove #dreamernation
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 02:49:46 +0000

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