from Light Unlimited 11/2014 The Good News You may have a - TopicsExpress


from Light Unlimited 11/2014 The Good News You may have a significant breakthrough at any time during this period. Its not about waiting until its over before you can experience welcomed changes in your life. Because there is so much opportunity for healing and transformation, you may already see some changes taking place, even if its something happening to you that seems out of your conscious control. As old thoughts and feelings are purged from the subconscious during this period, we have new space within ourselves to be positive and attract different kinds of people and circumstances in our life. This is the wonderful, high side of these seemingly turbulent times. Do your best to feed yourself with positive, uplifting thoughts and ideas. Adopt new attitudes of kindness and compassion—toward others as well as yourself. Be willing to view things differently, so you can see the positive aspects of people and events, rather than the negative. Its truly time to stop beating yourself up and be your own best friend. Make peace with what you consider to be your flaws and be willing to love yourself no matter what. And, continue to work on yourself, so you can be the best expression of who you really are—more and more with time. Does this resonate with you...
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 22:04:10 +0000

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