gratitude day 157 - Friday. Mu posts may be sporadic over the next - TopicsExpress


gratitude day 157 - Friday. Mu posts may be sporadic over the next 10 days, but I will be living each moment in gratitude, I assure you. We are just 6 hours from our adventure starting. I cant wait. But its funny, with all that has happened this week, and all that is getting ready to happen (all of which I am thankful for) I am residing in deep gratitude for a new friend who shifted my world. Ashley Rossbach and I were in Toronto a few weeks ago and stayed a night in a hotel near the airport. We had an hour before our business meeting and decide to have a glass of wine - shocking, I know. We sat at the bar next to two men - characters. It turns out the hotel was hosting a convention of Furries (if you are not sure what that is - look it up, its fascinating) I looked at the man to my left and thought, now theres a character. Totally tattooed, on his neck, his hands, his arms, and I assumed all the areas I couldnt see. I had preconceived notions of who he must be. Now, I was not judging him negatively. I admired his art, thought him brave, and was interested in this bearded, glass-wearing man. but I believed, by looking at him, that I knew his story. Turns out that he thought the same of us. But we began to talk and the four of us found ourselves crossing the divide between stranger and friend. We agreed to meet up later for an after dinner drink. I asked this man what the tattoo on his right hand fingers meant and assumed it connected to a hidden tattoo on his left hand. the right hand said LOST. He showed me the left hand and it said TIME. He told me that, should we become better friends, he would share the meaning. I immediately assumed it related to prison. Preconceived notions - beware. Ashley and I went off to our meeting and later returned to find them in the bar as promised. we shared a Dirty Goose (wow! Gray Goose martini extra dirty - so good!) and got to know each other. After a drink and some honesty, this amazing human being shared a story that changed my life and taught me (reminded me) to not assume anything. Long story short - since it is not my story to tell - the LOST TIME relates to the tragic way in which this man lost his two angels in life - his two daughters. An accomplished comedian who had his own show on the Comedy Channel, he has walked a path I cannot imagine. He says that he has lost his funny but he touched my heart and made me laugh. he reminded me what gratitude really is. I admire him. I pray for him. I care for him. A man I spent a mere 4 hours with over the span of one day. he touched my heart. I think of you often, Jamie Bragg.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:08:19 +0000

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