here is a post on this sight from a person named Judy...very valid - TopicsExpress


here is a post on this sight from a person named Judy...very valid points were made...Judy May 20, 2013 at 6:07 pm So, Jessy, why do you support the insecticide Bt in every bite of our food? Just curious. It seems a very bad idea. Did you bother to read the original study? It is “intelligent.” I’m sure you’ll declare me an idiot, but I don’t like ingesting toxins. Call me tin-foil hat crazy, but I’d rather NOT eat things that kill other life forms. Recent studies from all around the world, by REAL scientists, are finding lots of red flags about these basically untested chemicals and unique genetics never seen before on the planet. The antibiotic bacteria, for instance, that is used to make the modifications work. How does THAT work in our bodies? Do YOU know? The Roundup that is required on all these crops (that “weeds” have now developed resistance to) is turning out to cause harm in humans, but not in ways that Monsanto could figure out. It harms the bacteria in our guts, the good bacteria that helps us digest! There are so many processes in our bodies, and genes are so complex, that I’ve read geneticists that say genetic modification is using 30 year old science. Genes are simply more complex and have more and changing functions, depending upon various chemical signals, and there was no way to predict exactly what these genes are really up to. If you looked into this more, you might find there are serious, scientifically verified, concerns about all of this. And on the corporate side, these things are engineered almost exclusively to sell a particular brand of chemical, surprise! also manufactured by the SAME company that makes the genetically modified seed! What a COINCIDENCE! That’ll save the world, for sure! Monsanto is now trying to get congress to make state’s rights ILLEGAL. Since states are passing laws to simply LABEL GMOs, Monsanto now wants to make it federally ILLEGAL for states to make that decision! What do you think of THAT? Should your state be allowed to make its own laws? It may not soon, as Monsanto has bought most of the government. Try reading this: “During the June 2012 Farm Bill debate, 73 U.S. Senators voted against the right of states to pass mandatory GE food labeling laws. Emboldened by these votes, and now the House Ag Committee’s vote on the King Amendment, Monsanto has every reason to believe Congress would support a potential nullification of states’ rights to label.” Should YOUR favorite corporation be allowed to basically rewrite the US Constitution?
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 05:15:07 +0000

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