hey i thought this was pretty cool becauuse the lyrics make sense - TopicsExpress


hey i thought this was pretty cool becauuse the lyrics make sense and idk A thought might be that this is towards the LDS church (Mormons). Brendon Urie was part of the LDS church when he was younger and left for reasons unknown. I dont have the slightest idea if he doesnt like the religion or not, he could love it for what I know and just decided he didnt want to be a part of it. But onto and interpretation, he could mean with the first 4 lines, this is enlightenment for the people that converted to the religion by just jumping in blind, charmed into joining, or possibly selfish reasons. Then referring to the philosophy and broken memories could be that the religion is based off of The Book of Mormon, historical script that is much like The Bible. Also from scripts and stories of latter day LDS prophets such as Joseph Smith that may be believed to have been exaggerated. Next 4 lines could be about the social competition within the social part of the church and some of the members preaching false doctrine to the unsuspecting for personal gain. Then to the chorus, beginning with If you love me, let me go, might refer to the church to discontinue to try to bring him back. The LDS church keeps all members records, including the ones who are less or inactive (unless they became a Satan worshiper or something), which they use to occasionally reach out and try to bring them back, whether through missionaries, other members, or church officials. The fear of falling apart being that the church could be afraid to lose members because it will make the church look unsteady and people might cease to believe in it if they see people leaving it. Second verse referring to the members in the church that struggle to follow the rules that have been set forth by the church. After committing any sin of the sort, you begin the repentance process by confessing to the bishop. Imperfect impostors might be referring to some of the bishops. After all, you are confessing your sins to a man that can sin just as easily as you. Well thats about all. I, myself, am Mormon. I do enjoy the church, so Im not writing this to bash on the church, and I dont think that Brendon Urie is an Anti-Mormon either. Just some food for thought!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 08:30:10 +0000

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