hi there allow me to introduce you to a new marketing platform, - TopicsExpress


hi there allow me to introduce you to a new marketing platform, its free to all marketers so what is this platform all about ? Let me first introduce to you why I created this and how it works and also how it will help our business. The name of this platform is called Social Exchange for Business. Here are a couple things that motivated me to create this platform: 1. Every marketer in social media always makes connections with people interested in online business or their niche 2 They also have lists of their customers in their social media accounts so that they can easily get in contact with them as soon as new product or program is released. Now how social Exchange for Business will help you and me in our business 1. we already know that marketers build their list of customers or people entrusted to their niche on their social media accounts , the list Mr. A have is not the same with the list Mr. B have, the list Mrs. C have will never be the same with the list Mrs D have 2. Here comes the implementation of social Exchange for Business social Exchange for Business allows you to add your product links, affiliate links or even your website links to your suitable tabs for instance we have A twitter B Linkedin C google + Dwebsite Traffics E Pinterest and other social medias in there when you sign up on socialmedia4urbusiness ,connect your links 1 to the available social media account. In order to do so you need coins for the free adverts how you will get coins for free adverts you have to share, plus, tweet other peoples campaign list in the platform, example by tweeting their tweets in your own account , by sharing their links on your own social media walls, also you can earn coins through traffic Exchange , doing this the people in your list will see the new update in your post and may likely join or buy from the person you shared his/her adverts when you continue to do this you will find out that your coins increase and if you have enough coins you can go and add up your own campaign for other members to share or post for you in their social accounts and people in their list may buy or join you in your business. Imagine if we have 10, 000 members and 10,000 people share your business links to their own list it means you will get lots of traffic and sales. You will now have more time to do other income producing activities while thousands of people advertise for you and this will expose you to brand new business from the people you shared their links with. I trust by now you’ve seen the vision of this platform but one more thing remains. For you to be able to make great sales in your business you have to rank first place on google (Today this is now old religion) however, by joining this platform you will see that you can attract those people that go to google to search for a particular product or services to your own direct website. This alleviates the Google stress again so all you need is to join this platform today, invite your friends and lets make it a bigger network for all marketers socialmedia4urbusiness
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 13:29:27 +0000

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