hmmmmm...not that Im paranoid or anything...but does this GOOGLE - TopicsExpress


hmmmmm...not that Im paranoid or anything...but does this GOOGLE TATTOO sound like a step in this direction? Revelation 13: 15-17 It forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark on the right hand or forehead. Without the mark of the name of the Beast or the number of its name, it was impossible to buy or sell anything. I think we will find that the neck will be an awkward place for the tattoo Google is promoting (Id love to find documentation on who is REALLY behind this). Then it will be decided that scanning the forehead or hand will be much easier and slowly but SURELY this tattoo and those to follow will be placed exactly as the Bible states! We have accepted so many things since 9-11. We are so scared of another horrible act happening that we are willing to accept whatever our government suggests so that we are safe. SAFE? how can we be safe if our government takes away our RIGHT to bear arms, our freedom to CHOOSE what insurance we purchase or choose not to have any at all, our choice of what we eat or what size we purchase our beverages in? Over twenty years ago I heard it said that the more laws a country has, the less free it is and now we are being FORCED to buy health insurance or be punished. Safe? THIS IS SAFE??? WAKE UP AMERICANS!!!! WAKE UP!!! Our owon government is now the Terrorist that we should fear. Am I over reacting? I dont think so. No not at all, when I saw this tattoo story that is supposed to have been developed to make us safer because we would be hands free, I thought oh my goodness! are you kidding me? People surely wont want this...but then everyone went ga-ga over the google glasses, and now this!!!! then the story went on to say that this simple tattoo could also be used to let others (government?) know when we are lying!!!! WHY would a safety device need the capability of detecting lies? HELLO!! BIG BROTHER ON MY NECK??? I dont think so! Now I just heard a story about cameras that are being placed in public places, street corners etc that can and are RECORDING personal conversations. This device can isolate conversations within a crowd! LOL I have to laugh! And actually cheer for the Team I chose to join! Every prophecy in the Bible has come true, is coming true, or will definetly coming true! Whether Jesus returns today or a thousand years from now, Im glad that I am on His side! You see, I have read the End of the Book/Bible and guess who wins!!! Jesus does! These certainly are exciting and slightly scary times we live in! Exciting because watching prophecy unfold is amazing and scary because it makes me sick to see America being destroyed from within by those that chose to hate Christ. Revelation13:11-12 I saw another Beast rising out of the ground. It had two horns like a lamb but sounded like a dragon when it spoke. It was a puppet of the first Beast, made earth and everyone in it worship the first Beast, which had been healed of its deathblow.13-17 This second Beast worked magical signs, dazzling people by making fire come down from Heaven. It used the magic it got from the Beast to dupe earth dwellers, getting them to make an image of the Beast that received the deathblow and lived. It was able to animate the image of the Beast so that it talked, and then arrange that anyone not worshiping the Beast would be killed. It forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark on the right hand or forehead. Without the mark of the name of the Beast or the number of its name, it was impossible to buy or sell anything.18 Solve a riddle: Put your heads together and figure out the meaning of the number of the Beast. It’s a human number: 666. The Message (MSG) READ
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:50:27 +0000

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