https://youtube/watch?v=fo78gb4EZ6Y The study of how a word - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=fo78gb4EZ6Y The study of how a word came to be is called etymology. This can be described as a mapping of the slow organic process by which words cross language barriers and acquire new meanings. This is generally a very academic field with questionable relevance to everyday life. But some words can read stories that are much too fascinating to ignore. 1. Government: - ORIGIN from Latin: guberno: to control / steer, mentis: the mind - The word government literally meant mind-control to the people who created it 2. Liberal: - ORIGIN from Latin: liberals: of freedom; worthy of a free man, gentlemanlike, courteous, generous - Liber: free, independent, free from restraint - Under Roman law a free man had one major privilege as opposed to a slave: the right to engage in professions that enhance his mind. Thus the origin of the seven liberal arts 3. Trivial: - DICTIONARY DEFINITION: 1. of very little importance or value; insignificant: Dont bother me with trivial matters 2. commonplace; ordinary - ORIGIN: from the word Trivium, The trivium is a systematic method for DERIVING CERTAINTY with any information coming in via the 5 senses. 4. Occult: - ORIGIN from Latin: Occulto / occulere: hidden / cover over, conceal - It was only in the 1500s that the word became associated with magic, alchemy, and cabalism - One might argue that in recent times the word itself has become an instrument of keeping the public away from the governing philosophy and spiritual beliefs of our historical ruling classes 5. Religion: - ORIGIN from Latin: the verb religare tie back, tie tight prefix re back and ligare tie 6. Apocalypse: - ORIGIN, from Greek amokalupsis, uncover, reveal - Formed from the prefix apo- away, off and the verb kaluptein cover / veil - So now we know apocalypse is not to be feared; it might just be something to look forward to... maybe something we ourselves can bring about through a deeper understanding of the world we live in 7. Respect: - DICTIONARY DEFINITION: esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability - ORIGIN from Latin: prefix re implies repetitive action, specto: to observe or consider - Hence the word respect meant to reexamine or reconsider, if there is a message here its right and respectful to question everything including authority and our own belief systems 8. Mortgage: - ORIGIN from French: Mort: dead / death, gage: pledge - Hence in France and French speaking Canada a mortgage is called: hypotheque 9. Conspiracy: - DICTIONARY DEFINITION: an evil, unlawful or treacherous plan formulated in secret by two or more persons - ORIGIN from Latin: con: together, spiro: to breathe Conspiracy theory: - DICTIONARY DEFINITION: a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event 10. Obfuscation: - ORIGIN from Latin: obfuscare: to make dark / darken - DICTIONARY DEFINITION: to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy In a symbolic way obfuscation of words sums up what has happened to us. Somewhere along the way freedom got taken away from libraries and wise men. Only to be given to stock markets and invading armies. Somehow the best known method of deriving certainty became trivial and unimportant. Somehow investigating the belief systems of people that rule us became an evil thing to do. And the notion that powerful men might get together and have a plan has now been labeled as a paranoid theory. All this was not an accident. And what you do about it is up to each one of you. Just remember: the biggest obstacle between us and freedom isnt governments, armies, or evil men. No, all their power is derived from our ignorance. And this is something we have the power to change.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:01:04 +0000

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