i decided to think it thru before commenting in on the La airport - TopicsExpress


i decided to think it thru before commenting in on the La airport TSA anti government dude . First - false flag conspiracy - maybe , but unneeded for the conspirators to advance the agenda they want , all they need is an incident to define and exaggerate . there were 36 homicides in Los Angeles in October 2013 . the news found the one that was sensational , and the politicians wanted one for an agenda . projects.latimes/homicide/date/2013/10/ How many made national news , or made outcry of these for more gun control or greater security , have you ever heard of any of these , unless you lived there locally ? No one in power cared about any of these , nor did the news , at an average of greater than One a Day . now will there be another call for greater security at airports ? Wasnt it , in this case , taken even at face value , the added security that already existed that help create this outcome ? People get paranoid about their freedoms being taken away when searched without warrants or cause . People get paranoid and aggressive when they see armed guards everywhere they travel and are told “those people “ can have guns , but they cannot have guns , a clear tactical intimidation and disadvantage . this speaks to control and power , No One wants to feel out of control and powerless . its simply one step from being marched on a train and gassed in a camp . One cannot teach people one psychological trope as the reason one class or race or people gets victimhood and a free pass forevermore on their wrongdoing , without making them fear to desperation the same trope against themselves . this is the inconsistency , the break down of logic , we were taught to fear fascism , then those who behave as fascists wonder why they are feared , and some occasional unstable mental case blurs the line of trusting one while being taught to fear the other ? One would have to be blind not to see the double bind . it is either intentional , to push the unstable into these acts to further take away freedoms and rights , or it is completely insane and heavy handed given the lack of interest shown in the daily homicides that occur . So what do i think about the LA shooting at the airport and prevention of future incidents , quit with the unreasonable search , quit with the control and intimidation of normal law abiding citizens by armed open force , because its so totally unneeded . the same money could go into having more than one air marshall onboard every flight in plain clothes and concealed weapon that would be just as secure against terrorism as having lunatics breaching security checkpoints , which cannot be defended anyway , but only creates escalation of violence by those who cannot tolerate being under open armed control and body searched every time they travel. I have reason to travel as a male traveling alone , and i do this often enough to know Im tired of the invasion of privacy and huge dose of Xrays by people hiding behind radiation shielding , the search and pat down , the step over to this side sir stuff I go thru every freaking time . Im furious at being treated like a criminal every time i travel . But i know violence will only make it worse, and that others will pay for my outrage at the loss of freedom and rights if i act out in a fight or flight response to the stress of the invasions into my life . Not that anyone will heed this in control , but dialing down the sense of danger and the show of force just may be the best answer for preventing domestic lunacy violent incidence , because when you treat everyone as potential enemies , a few will always see that as a clear sign you are their enemy because this is what you same people taught us to recognize as a dangerous situation for us . Trust ? dont make us laugh .
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 06:29:52 +0000

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