i dont know if i do it to fulfill expectations based - TopicsExpress


i dont know if i do it to fulfill expectations based on previous evoked response that have helped my team definitively scientifically categorize me as ABERRANT because of this it was explained that for the rest of my life i will be remote neurally monitored next week is yom kipper this yom kipper i wil pray that a TRUE G-D will NOT write me .into THE BOOK OF LIFE i am not religious i am not particular good but i know a power who makes up for all the physical pain and sufferin and misjustice is just a wee bit more awesome than this TECHNOLOGY thats main intent is to mathematically .didactically create a living g-d that watches knows and favors only a certain type of purity of being thought and physiology . the gr8 inquistion this time will need no rack but only a SCAN oh.the terror that allowed for such terro the bci..is an endless personality test .a friend sent me am obituary she had written..for she was not sure if the woman she had wriiten the obit for.. the woman now deseasded was in my frinedsd had living relatives friendsr they say inSun Tsus The Art of War winning a battle is all about deception Deceiving ones enemy of the state their troops are in Writing is often a purposely deceptive act one is trying to SAY something and not say a word at the same time or an author might hope the sure mass of volumes might at least make a reader wonder.. WHY? Why is this person so obsessed with such a strange subject? and why now does the tone shift to the obvious presumed reason someone has shoved chiparooonies into your nervous system. Because to THEM YOU are the Enemy and they have put you in a position of war... of Enemy. (oh please dear reader overlook that silly palm tree at the top of the blogs layout with its implied wireless zeitgeist wonky presumptives.. I dont know how really to write about something really taking place ....that has been flea marketed off to some Hollywood franchise as all the more-its only a movie.... the sheer proliferation of films about A.I. and BCI etc has served its purpose to immunize the greater population of NOT only its very real implications but very real implementation.. according to many involved in the German Resistance (non jewish citizens ,especially many in the clergy... those who wanted to get the news of the Holocaust out in the press,out in the open were actively encouraged to not say 10,000 people were being gassed but to -say 100 people were being gassed a day at work camps...otherwise these witnesses and resisters were told it would NOT SEEM BELIEVABLE .. I suppose to some extent I have slathered this erratic hysterical rant around and about Unbelievable Advance TECHNOLOGIES being used in house against dissidents ...or people taken (and I do mean taken ) as such to attempt to use mediated Unbelievably but Theoretically conceivable themes and stories (geared somewhat to also entertainment a reader) to try to convey the Un Holy terror of unseen induced Augmented Reality upon an innocent victim to even USE this Cruel and so Very Unusual Punishment on true enemies is perverse when something as humane as a bullet or a bayonet might do the JOB faster ...many people Targeted for either Testing or Torture with this bizarre TECHNOLOGY kill themselves... the point of Psychotronic Torture as with any form of torture is to not painless or at least quickly end life but to draw out suffering and pain either physical or psychological for as long as possible to make the captured truly feel their end is NOWHERE in SIGHT Mind Justice - Cheryl Welshs Rizal Review mindjustice.org/bhutan_review_cherylwelsh.htm by Cheryl Welsh, Director, Mindjustice.org December 2009 ... Moscow Times, July 11, 1995, sometime I realize I only stay alive now to fight the Progressive Types who did this to me although one cannot say one does not grow addicted to the interface....I reckon One ALSO grows oddly (if not addicted) to being engaged in war.. or quite ,quite used to it after awhile and there is a rather odd rather appealing sense to knowing ...i might not live another day my mind veers and swerves ..very much like this blog. from the ridiculous to the defined .... not surprisingly The Art of War is used, still like a bible by many corporations who have come to see commerce and control as war There are many, many corporations in a race for the grayspace between your ears .. , AND what a pleasure it must be for these corporations to get away with barbaric methods of Human Testing because stipulations and laws and legislation were abridged or just plain removed for those lucky enough to be in The Mind Augment Industry as it goes (without saying?) that Non Lethal Neurotronics are now or very soon to be the weapon of choice and the new means of interrogation of suspicious persons Billions and Billions of Dollars is being spent upon A.I. ,BCI and Immersive Reality NOT to Enhance Lives but rather to destroy Lives they say deception is how one wins a battles how deceptive it is for corporations to still insist a brain Map and Brain Signal Trascribe are for Stephan Hawking and or patients with Locked -In Syndrome my writing is deliberately obtuse . deceptive purposely cray cray or heightened or minimized by my references for instance to oh this isnt really happening ...I am psychotic...or DRUG ADDICT.. etc.. (I must say becoming BOTH is to some extent a MUST in any modern Battlefield especially concerning Psychotronic Non Lethals they are killing me with what is called a SLOW Kill Technique...Imagine there even being a word like that -Slow Kill My Mentors who have ?successfully ?- made me literally a human drone both hate the fact that I write of it which can only be properly described as human experimentation (I believe ) in spite of themselves (and there are no true RISKS for them. some no one writing about what to me .if only to keep my sanity seems insane but I do sense They rather Enjoy me plodding along like a bug tied to a string and thumb tack going round and round nowhere as example of type of person deemed non person enough to be app-ed to its obvious conclusion in my case being an unreliable narrator is my saving grace for I truly have very little idea what exactly they THINK of me documenting (albeit semi fictionally) my unsolicited participation in this terrifying not so new form of torture
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 05:54:37 +0000

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