i had a little one ask me not long ago....do the american indians - TopicsExpress


i had a little one ask me not long ago....do the american indians own the washington redskins......i said---i dont think so....lol...with a smile ---because this is a child who has no idea....and thus should not at his age know that kind of thing of course.....i feel let the kids be kids but with some understanding of throwing a rock can cost alot---but not yet of genocide type stuff......then i thought to myself----- all of those years MARINES jumping our of aircraft and yelling GERONIMO....OH YES THEY DID.......my parents are marines.........LISTEN PLEASE i dont think and feel that calling anything INDIGENOUS is cool and heres why....not another cry baby story as some think..........the last operation done by own elite service that the public knows of was to take out bid laden---what was this operation called.. someone please answer...mostly soldiers that i know---know this answer -and a handful of people paying attention to the news---after you learn the answer just know my feelings are HOW QUAINT.......first SMALL POX was bought from india and put into blankets for freezing indigenous people who were so oreded around that they could no longer take care of themselves or even know what was going on....children taken...forced language and a new forced name and relgion....my notion of the first ever GERM WARFARE used on indigenous people by englands backhand policy.....to forge ahead no matter what...so people like them were paid off or very rich and looking to gain favor or money like FRANCIS BACON started sharing ways to take over and make it look CLEAN AND NEEDED for the new found land......so when different people or groups refer to indigenous people of this soil as something they are not...its upsetting because so few know the facts and today more and more are learning alot and what the REAL TRUTH is about this great country........how very sad in fact that no one talks about this except more and more of mine and now yours....what will our children think soon....the centuries of murder that almost went un corrected...dont name your car or truck or ball team or dog or cat after indigenous people.....no one should further the already open wound that never healed and is infected to this day....you dont put a band aid on and infected wound....on halloween would you dress up as an INDIAN...which we are not idian.....its not cool for respect purposes simply put.....ask your jewish friends if they would sponsor an american football team named the washington fuhrers or the new york nazis.....the fact is : you dont break into someones home and then LIE and say you discovered the land that was already someones elses and then starting killing them and thier women and children and animals and families and land period....would you like the definition of a terrorist.???......i will google you one right away......i dont think dressing up like any native person is cool either--again...if you dressed up like someone from a prison camp its just in bad taste because we all know and remember and this kind of bad stays bad always because so many died from some nut case trying to get his point made and take control.....well---we are all not VIKINGS--we are not all RAVENS OR LIONS OR TIGERS OR BEARS.....OH MY...... i think thats it time we stopped calling eachother what we are not....you will never guess what my cherokee people were called first and very very long ago as many native tribes were aslo called the same slur....soon they the government will try and find some b.s reason to shut everyone up who speaks the facts by locking them up---when this happens we will see.......well good luck with that......just know this: God sent many to the harvest and i dont fear you or yours at all....nor will i....ask me any questions you want even if i dont know you ---ask me anything....dont be scared and if you think i am....your selling yourself snake oil.....well all peace and blessings to all who care about more than just themselves...this no rant or pssing note.....just one warriors feelings on alot......peace and blessings to all no matter your religion or color...... as i have many brothers and sisters on this page by choice......trust that fact......
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 02:28:50 +0000

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