i would like first and foremost to say thank you to ,jamie and - TopicsExpress


i would like first and foremost to say thank you to ,jamie and aprill hobbs for the best tasting ribs ive had in years!!! what a thoughtful young couple these kids are!! i also wish to thank my dear friend and cousin/like brothers gary horsley for the outstanding fresh blackberry cobbler,,i never knew you had such great baking skills gary!! it was so nice having these two things for dinner yesterday,,with only my two boys to fix my meals ive been pretty much suviving on "quik" foods like a can of ravioli or mac and cheese etc.....i would take one look at that stuff and just roll back over and try to not get ill!! i know the boys try hard to get me to eat but they have noo cooking skills as i have allwaays cooked for them,,so its great when people like terry go out of thier way to make me lasnagnia or aprill brings some ribs to the store for mom to give me.. and the cobbler!!fresh blackbeeries!!,,to spend half a day picking beeries and then the time it takes to prepare it,and then after working all day go out of his way to bring it to me!!!the more i think on it the more gratefull i feel and the love that i feel for people as a whole grows even more,,,,i never thought i would taste fresh berries again in this lifetime so you bet that every bite was small and chewed untill liquified befor swollowing with regret that i couldnt keep that beerie flover in my mouth all day!! as far as the ribs go,,,man do these guys know how to eat !!they were glazed to perfection and melted in your mouth!!not at all dry or tough but perfect!!! i just cant put into words the way i feel,,it gets to be a lonely and deppressing situation being trappped all day in isolation thinking of all the little things that we take for granted like fresh picked mushrooms ,fresh caught crappy or bass,,things i can no longer get and probably never taste again....so when someone take time from their busy days to think of me and do nice things for me it brings tears to my eyes ,,tears of love and gratitude ... as far as how i feel ,,the good days are over for a while again ,,ill get blood on thursday and then feel a little better for a couple ddays this weekend ( lord willing ) so ,,a few rough days as far as weekness but its ok ,,im thankfull for the 2 good days the lord gave me over last weekend...the pain of coarse continues to remain in all bones and can get very severe at time,,it woke me up this morning and im still trying to get it under control every breath hurts like my ribs are broken and a cough or sneeze is a nightmare ,,its funny how i hurt everywhere but then theres allways some place that the pain concentrates and for the last day or so its been my ribs under my shoulderblades and around in front,,it feels exactly like when i broke to ribs some yrs ago,,,i hope the bad pain move somewhere else soon like maybe back to my hips or knees but all i can do is wait and see.. ok i guess i should stop or ill have the whole internet filled up,,have a good day friends randy
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 10:25:04 +0000

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