if superman fist has a average mass of 300 grams and is moving the - TopicsExpress


if superman fist has a average mass of 300 grams and is moving the at 99 percent of light it would have a total of 190,000,000,000,000,000 joules witch is equivalent to 45 mega tons of tnt or over 2800 x more powerful than the nuclear bomb doped on houroshema throwing one punch at the speed fo light with that much energy would burn around 45,400,000,000,000 calories witch is equivalent to almost to x81,818,181,818 big macs now you have one of the largest bombs ever condense to a fist and aimed at your face what happens when he releases that punch well this is where it gets really awesome the heat that is being released by super mans fist is 80,000,000,000,000 k witch is 143,999,999,999,540.3 f and its x5mil hitter than the core of the sun it takes one centisecond witch is 10,00,000 nanoseconds for the light to hit your retina then be preceded by the brain so since the punch is traveling near the speed of light it would only take 3.4 nanoseconds for the fist to get to you so you literally wouldnt see it coming well what we can see from the fists prospective since its going 96mill meters per second is that time is bacily frozen all the particles in the air the oxygen the nitrogen are just suspended in time superman hand is hitting them with so much energy that it creates nuclear fusion gamma rays explode and it creates a explosion that the earth has never seen a giant fire ball en-gulps the area then a blast wave shoots out shattering windows structures and rips trees out of the ground super man would not just knock the wind out of you oh no he knocks the atoms out of you his fist has become basically a particle beam at 700,000,000 electron volts its more powerful than the Jefferson particle lab in Virginia the atoms that made you would be completely denigrated you would be liquefied at the atomic level you would turn into fundamental particles and quark-gluon plasma witch was created after the big bang and from this energy new particles and anti particles would form so out of your unfortunate destruction something new something we might seen before could be created when he punches you it would leave a creator 1km (.6 miles) and 221 m deep (725ft) so if i was you i wouldnt piss him off
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 09:26:37 +0000

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