if you dont get it you wouldnt understand why I was watching that - TopicsExpress


if you dont get it you wouldnt understand why I was watching that video even though Im aware of how brave I have to be to even allow people to Examine my Group of friends and the people I’m willing to listen to and see just HOW far outside the box they actually are. including my own box. The Terror of OPENLY associating with “indigo children” ”starseeds” People who believe in the “ascension” etc. *shivers* I come from a rather Atheist background, it takes a LOT out of me to even speak about spirituality to be honest, I’m EXTREMELY self conscious about it. But that’s -exactly- the paradoxical reason I feel the message was meant for my own Chaotic Matrix more than most people. The very vital essence of what I’m trying to dislodge is the belief in the supremacy of your own path over others. My way is NOT more “valid” The truth of the matter is that i’s been hard to open up about who I am largely out of fear of the ridicule but that puts me in a difficult spot of course because I have had to deal with my own friends who would not face the crowd over me. I’m not an atheist, It’s just not.. Self honestly. spiritual. you see though I grew up in an environment where you were either a christian or an atheist for the most part and to put it mildly you could expect to find an open and embracing community either way but Try believing something truly bizarre that was “neither” and watch what happens when you no longer have the benefit of what I like to refer to out of Bitter indignation as one of the “socially endorsed” and “approved” delusions. Psychiatry for instance is more than willing to stand back and not Shoot people full of Invega because they “felt god’s presence” (referring to YHWH) and “Spoke in tongues” but the Moment you want to hang out with UFO culters and Pagans and Wiccans and indigo children and starseeds and start to really if not believe as they do find yourself surrounded in a network of friends that fit the l description suddenly they want to lock you up. So basically we’re allowed by our civilization to have a religion and to have spiritual experiences but only so long as they’re within the box that was laid down by the majority culture If you have a spiritual experience OUTSIDE that box they call the police and you wake up in a hospital bed shot full of some anti psychotic my whole thing is I just want them to be consistent If pagans and wiccans and starseeds and indigo children need antipsychotic drugging then Christians do too. If not… then you should let it be. But yes My house is not one that is unfamiliar lets just say With Sam Harris and Richard dawkins and I read, a lot. There was a time in my past in which I was more sympathetic to the new atheist movement than I am now. Im sure that there are ironically New Atheist movement people who agree with my sentiment about the hypocrisy though. If Im Crazy so are those Jesus Freaks. .
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 19:11:47 +0000

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