ift.tt/1dPHfFh There is no doubt that the dream of all girls - TopicsExpress


ift.tt/1dPHfFh There is no doubt that the dream of all girls and women is to get the ideal weight and strength svelte and harmonic One of the biggest problems faced by girls and women and mutilate their beauty obesity problem in the area of the rear buttocks and inconsistencies between the bottom and top of the body forcing them to wear the style and a certain quality of clothing and find also difficult to hide these flaws as much as possible and this makes them always under constant psychological pressure , especially if it has invitation to a party or social occasionIf the lady was suffering from a marked increase in weight and also obesity localized in the rear area and buttocks , the treatment must begin to address the problems together means Diet Diet and Fitness at the same timeWhat are the reasons for the accumulation of fat in the buttocks and rearFirst : lethargy , laziness and lack of movement and excessive sleepingThe lethargy and lack of movement and sitting for long periods in the same situation a major cause of the large size of the buttocks and also laziness and lack of exercise, and go to bed immediately after eatingSecond: eating Bad diet and eat more substances that contain fatty substances or starchy or high sugars such as fast food , chocolate , soda water and snacks such as potato .Third: pregnancy and childbirth Because pregnant during pregnancy and childbirth occur with changes in body hormones , in addition to the carrier is possible that she fed a bad diet , and also lack of exercise special cradle are all possible factors leading to the large size of the buttocks.Fourth: Genetics Genetics plays a big role in the process of fat to accumulate in the rear area and buttocks.Fifth: Hormones Where is concentrated the impact of certain hormones in the fat to accumulate when the females in the rear area , buttocks, thighs and males in the abdominal area .either effective solutions to that problem will be found in these article :ift.tt/17GOOiDift.tt/1ipracKlabels: Female Buttocks Female Buttocks Female Buttocks Female Buttocks ift.tt/1dPHfF9 Weight Loss for women, Weight Loss Methods
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 23:35:03 +0000

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