ift.tt/1ths8xQ On the subject of eliminating waste, fraud, and - TopicsExpress


ift.tt/1ths8xQ On the subject of eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse… Monica For Oregon Facebook / Via Facebook: monicafororegon Large portions of an economic plan released by Oregon Republican Senate candidate Monica Wehby appear to be heavily plagiarized from multiple sources, including one section that copies word-for-word from a plan put out by Republican Sen. Rob Portman a month earlier. Likewise, portions of Wehbys plan also copy sections nearly-verbatim from the economic growth plan of a2012 congressional candidate named Gary DeLong and a survey from Karl Roves group, Crossroads. The press release for Portmans plan came out in March of 2014, Wehbys in April of that same year. Crossroads survey was from June of 2013 and DeLongs issues page has been online since at least 2012. At no point in Wehbys plan is attribution given. The Wehby campaign did not return a request for comment. On the tax code, heres Portman: Reform Tax Code To Spur Economic Growth – We must create incentives for our entrepreneurs to invest in the future, innovate and grow. Unfortunately, instead of rewarding job creators, the government penalizes their success by hitting them with sky high taxes. We should pursue policies that provide incentives for entrepreneurs to invest in plants, equipment and workers. And heres Wehby: Reform the Tax Code to Spur Economic Growth. Make it simpler and fairer for families and small businesses, and eliminating loopholes that primarily benefit special interests. We must create incentives for job creators to invest in the future, and will innovate and grow our economy. On the tax rate, heres Portman: The U.S. cant be competitive with the highest business tax rate in the world. We should reform both the individual and corporate tax systems in a comprehensive manner to provide lower rates with fewer deductions and credits and transition towards a territorial system for international businesses. These changes would encourage growth and job creation. For example, reducing corporate and individual tax rates to 25% would create millions of private-sector jobs and increase wages for American workers. And heres Wehby: The U.S. is among the highest business tax rate in the world, severely hindering businesses ability to grow and invest. We need to reform both the individual and corporate tax systems in a comprehensive manner to provide lower rates with fewer deductions and credits and transition towards a territorial system for international businesses. These changes would encourage growth and job creation. For example, reducing corporate and individual tax rates to 25% would create million of private sector jobs and increase wages for American workers. On live within our means, heres Portman: The explosion of federal spending and the record-setting $17 trillion debt should alarm all American families who struggle to live within their means. Washingtons fiscal irresponsibility passes the problem to future generations, mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren. Not addressing the record debt also creates uncertainty in the economy and stops the investment and risk taking that will jump-start the economy and encourage economic growth. And heres Wehby: The national debt is not simply a political issue, but a moral one. There has been over a 200% increase in just 14 years. Today, we are facing a $17.3 trillion in debt. This should alarm all American families who struggle to live within their means. Not addressing the record debt also creates uncertainly in the economy and stops the investment and risk taking that will jump-start the economy and encourage economic growth. On a balanced budget amendment, heres Portman: A balanced budget amendment to theConstitution would limit the ability to raise taxes to pay for runaway spending and codify what every family and small business owner already knows: you cant spend more than you take in. And heres Wehby: A balanced budget amendment to the Constitution would limit the ability to raise taxes to pay for runaway spending and codify what every family and small business owner already knows: you cant spend more than you take in. On cutting spending, heres Portman: Getting spending under control includes better oversight of federal agencies and programs and rooting out waste, fraud and abuse, and reforms to our important entitlement programs to strengthen them for future generations. And heres Wehby: Getting spending under control includes better oversight of federal agencies and programs and rooting out waste, fraud and abuse, and reforms to our important entitlement programs to strengthen them for future generations. On education, heres Portman: We need to educate the children of today to be the innovators, entrepreneurs, and workers of tomorrow. This means opening up education to competition at both the K-12and post-secondary level. Parents and families would have more choices by allowing federal dollars to follow the student to the school he or she attends. Encouraging Charter schools, more parental involvement, and a focus on the STEM disciplines would give children more opportunities and teachers more freedom. And heres Wehby: We need to educate the children of today to be the innovators, entrepreneurs, and workers of tomorrow. This means opening up education to more competition, and more opportunities and choices for families both at the K-12 and post-secondary level. We need to allow federal dollars to follow the student to the school he or she attends. Encouraging charter schools and more parental involvement would give children more opportunities and teachers more freedom. On balancing the budget, heres DeLong: Require Congress to pass a balanced budget, each and every year, and eliminate Federal waste and bureaucracy. And heres Wehby: Require Congress to pass a balanced budget, each and every year, and eliminate Federal waste and bureaucracy. On purchasing insurance across state lines, heres DeLong: Improve health care alternatives. Allow individuals and small businesses to form purchasing pools and to purchase health insurance across state lines. Eliminate frivolous lawsuits to reduce healthcare costs for all Americans. And heres Wehby: Allow individuals and small businesses to form purchasing pools and to purchase health insurance across state lines. Eliminate frivolous lawsuits to reduce healthcare costs for all Americans. On regulations, heres DeLong: Repeal burdensome regulations. Provide an appropriate amount of regulation to ensure stable markets, but no more regulation than necessary. We need to support local small businesses so they can grow, prosper and create jobs. And heres Wehby: Repeal Burdensome Regulations. Provide an appropriate amount of regulation to ensure stable markets, but no more regulation than necessary. We need to support local small businesses so they can grow, prosper and create jobs. View Entire List ›
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:49:40 +0000

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