is really annoyed with what he reads on the news. Egypt needs to - TopicsExpress


is really annoyed with what he reads on the news. Egypt needs to straighten itself out. Food is running out, money is in short supply as a country yet the country exports shit loads of oil and gas and has the Suez Canal for Christs sake! Those three exports (and the "service" provided from the Suez Canal) ought be enough to buy food for the people. The violence is ludicrous: For the MB Youth to say "If Morsi is freed the violence will stop in the Sinai" and higher ups to say "If Morsi is reinstated the violence will stop in the Sinai" is akin to saying "we are telling people to kill innocent people in the Sinai until you give us our demands". This is using terrorist tactics to get what you want. If the people want to protest, go protest. Thats what January 25th was about, thats what June 30-st was about. Go into the streets and protest. Do not condone the beheading of people, this is not protesting this is brutal terrorism. For the supporters of the MB; do not liken MB with Islam. This is a foolish mistake. They are a political body; to scorn them is not to scorn Islam, to criticize them is not to criticize Islam. Islam exists in and of itself as the interpretations that the people, the scholars, the preachers give to Islam. A political representative of it should be taken as it is: A political representative. If they fail, as politicians, to conform to certain base norms, certain standards and if they acclaim, accept and condone the use of such.. slow and baseless actions; things which go against the true teachings of Islam to an extent that just amazes me; then they have failed in their politics. Islam has not failed, Islam is not the problem, and opponents of the MB does not mean they are a) spiteful of Islam b) scornful of Islam and c) hateful towards Islam. It just means that they oppose the Muslim Brotherhood. There is no war on religion save what they are spouting about. Muslims opt to follow Islam just as a secular person opts not to: a secular person should not tell a Muslim how to live their life (by their secular standards) and a Muslim should not tell a secular person how to live their life (by their religious standards). You can recommend or suggest; you cannot TELL someone, FORCE someone. Lead by example not by threat of punitive retaliation. Show the people why the MB and Morsi should be allowed to rule Egypt, do not show them what happens if they are not granted that right.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 11:56:19 +0000

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