its Karl Guthe Jansky Birthday October 22, 1905 in Oklahoma and - TopicsExpress


its Karl Guthe Jansky Birthday October 22, 1905 in Oklahoma and died February 14, 1950, he was a physicist and an engineer (radio) electrician In 1928 Jansky joined Bell Labs in order to examine the possibility of using the oven (about 10-20 meters shorter wavelength) for the transatlantic radiotelephone service and Jansky was tasked with tracking down the static crackling noises that plagued the Home phone abroad and study the interference sources can interfere with the radio voice transmissions. Jansky built an antenna designed to pick up radio waves at a frequency of 20.5 MHz (about 14.5 meters wavelength). The antenna is mounted on a turntable, which earned him a ride called Jansky. By turning the antenna, we find the direction of the radio signals. After recording signals in all directions for several months, Jansky identifies three types of parasites: neighbors thunderstorms, distant thunderstorms, and a low but steady hiss of unknown origin. He spent the next year studying this third type of parasites. The stop signal and appear once a day. Jansky believes have first sensed signals from the sun. But by following the signal for a few months, he realizes that the origin of the signal away from the position of the sun. He then noticed that the signal was not repeated every 24 hours, but every 23 hours and 56 minutes. This is the characteristic period of the fixed stars and other objects away from the solar system: the duration of a sidereal day. Subsequently, he established that the signal came from the direction of Sagittarius toward the center of the Milky Way and was most intense in the direction of the center, in the publication of its results, he suggested that the radio was somehow related to the Milky Way and it comes not stars, but from the ionized interstellar gas and is at the age of 26 years Jansky made a historic discovery is that the heavenly bodies could emit radio waves and light waves Jansky wanted to continue its momentum and further explore the radio waves from the Milky Way. He proposed at Bell Laboratories to build a dish 30 meters in diameter. But Bell Labs had the answer to their question: parasites were not a problem for transatlantic communication by radio. Jansky was assigned to another project and did most of radio astronomy. Many scientists have been fascinated by the discovery of Jansky, but no one has pursued research on this subject for several years; it was then the Great Depression, and observatories could not afford to embark on new projects. Two men having learned Jansky discovered in 1933 later had a great influence on the development of radio astronomy. The first was Grote Reber, who built a single radio telescope in his backyard in 1937 and made the first systematic survey of the sky using radio waves. The second was John Kraus, who founded the first radio observatory at the University of the State of Ohio and wrote a handbook of astronomy which is still the bible of radio astronomers. In honor of Jansky, the unit used by radio astronomers to the intensity (or more precisely the flux density) of radio sources is the Jansky (symbol Jy). It was also an asteroid named in his honor (1932) Jansky. The Very Large Array has been renamed Karl Jansky in March 2012, following the vote of online it is also the birthday of : Clinton Davisson - the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1937 for discovering that electrons can be diffracted like light waves, thus verifying the thesis of Louis de Broglie that electrons behave both as waves and as particles. George Wells Beadle the 1958 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Edward Tatum and Joshua Lederberg. Charles Glen King - biochemist who discovered vitamin C Erasmus Reinhold - mathematician who was a leading mathematical astronomer in his time. He carefully calculated the first set of planetary tables applying Copernican theory, published in 1551. Photo Copyleft
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:04:48 +0000

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