ive have severed fhe yoke of burden of mans ugliness and i see - TopicsExpress


ive have severed fhe yoke of burden of mans ugliness and i see through the facade of terror displayed to attempt to control through manipulation and torture to keep control there is no control and we will reap what we sewed may the wild animals from all the parts of the llands rise up and take revehge upon the death dealers may god burn the impure spirits and wipe clean the face of evil once and for all nature rules and the forces behind it are listening and waiting may the ghost rider take revenge and o snuff out the wicked and send there souls back to he!@ where they belong ive met the grim reaper on several occasions died more than once and rose again despite attempts to kill me and lock me up forever i fear nothing my father who is nearly 7 ft tall and 400ibs raised me to fear nothing price elliot gibbs he is alive and well and so is the rest of the millions of people i know i have family and friends in every branch of the military and all over the country it is us that is the military thank god theres a universal intelligence that trancends even the smartest immortals may the highlander live on duncan mcloud take your revenge on the sin eaters that suck the life out of its victins then take all their money
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 11:46:58 +0000

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