let go judgement and self attacks It is not until we let go of - TopicsExpress


let go judgement and self attacks It is not until we let go of our own self-judgments that we are able to stop judging others because how we perceive others is not a reflection of who they are, but rather a reflection of how we perceive ourselves. Every time we decide we don’t like something about someone, it’s an opportunity to take a moment and get curious about why we feel the way we do. When we begin to notice how we judge others, whether it’s showing up as gossiping, blame or attack or just lack of acceptance, we can begin to understand the areas in which we are judging and not accepting ourselves. From a spiritual perspective, we are love and it is our human mind that created fearful perceptions, which are based on illusions because they’re not aligned with love. Forgiveness is a powerful tool when we are judging others because it allows us to move from a place of attack to love and compassion. Many times, we judge someone when they’ve hurt us in some way even if we’re not aware they have and that anger and resentment keeps us stuck. When we have the willingness to forgive someone else, it’s not saying it’s okay what they’ve done, but it’s allowing us to release ourselves and break free because when we hold onto negative emotions like pain and resentment, we aren’t able to be who we really are, which is free and happy. This is the purpose of forgiveness. When we are feeling compassion rather than anger for someone, those loving feelings go back into us and the same happens with negative feelings of judgment and blame—the way we treat others is the way we treat ourselves. Think about a part of yourself in which you’re judging or holding onto guilt. Maybe self-judgment is coming in around your body or food choices and how much you’re exercising right now and you’re feeling guilty or resentful towards yourself. It could be that youve had the intention to drop an old behavior like codependency and it’s crept up in your life again and you’re judging yourself for this. Once youve identified an area in which you’re holding onto something, you can sit in a meditation and begin to visualize yourself shedding the layers of self-judgment. You can visualize layers of coats and each one you take off, you can burn until there are no more coats left. Releasing ourselves in this way allows us to shift our energy into a lighter, happier way of being, attracting more positive experiences into our lives.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 12:43:08 +0000

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