life long life thought of the day by gary ge wisz seems that it - TopicsExpress


life long life thought of the day by gary ge wisz seems that it just may be more normal for grief, complains, hurts,gossips, hates,jealousy, pain, anger, ignorance, and etc can keep going but it would be a page full. My point is not one person can literly a whole day with out a negative gesture of some sort in a action, verbal, physical, social, self,and mental abusive in some way. I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE ADMIT IT. YES!!! you as i are part of a on going circle of a creation to a situation THAT IN SOME WAY SHAPE OR FORM EVEN IF ITS ONCE OR A MILLION TIMES PER DAY WE AS HUMANS HAVE A PROBLEM. WHY? because weather its no hot water, wrong size pants, somebody said some thing to,or about a person , car broke, being sick, even a swear word in a conversation over heard by some one or directed, or at self. there is not a day on this lovely planet that us as humans thrive on some form of learned behavior negative stimulant. to cure a disease.YES its a disease look up the word. /dis·ease/ (dĭ-zēz´) any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of any body part, organ, or system that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs and whose etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or unknown. NOWW agree ??a deviation from a interruption of the normal structure!!!!!!!!! wait peeps dont even!!! say body part or organ well shale we look up those lol. lets not. we are living organisms. no?? humm but ya read from system that is manifested on... so humm how can we fix a problem that the whole planet has? i got a idea well its called use the one major organ the brain to think. geez point is being that its a learned behavior that is a cycle that in honest word here can trigger a form of a addiction. lmao so fellow addicts just a hint and reminder you have a choice . god i love choice. and love the people that say they had none. hahahahahahahaha have a good day think about it...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 11:42:48 +0000

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