manuela Popie>>>> Dear Official: You can help PHILIPPINES DO - TopicsExpress


manuela Popie>>>> Dear Official: You can help PHILIPPINES DO THE RIGHT THING AND MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE now! And also forward this message to responsible authorities. It has come to my attention a situation about the suffering and the loneliest in the world elephant Mali at the Manila Zoo. Mali has spent 35 years at the Manila Zoo without seeing another elephant or receiving any medical care. She is the Philippines only captive elephant – and one of the worlds saddest. The loneliness that she endures is heartbreaking. Mali’s life circumstances at the zoo has been jail like for her for 35 years – enough is enough! Mali has been held in the same barren, cement and very small enclosure since 1977! Mali has not seen another elephant in 35 years She has been denied the company of other elephants all her life in the zoo, something that is essential to every elephants emotional and mental well-being. Mali is denied socialisation, stimulation, room to explore and everything else that is natural and important to her. Mali endures intense confinement, loneliness, boredom and isolation in an area that is a fraction of the size of her natural habitat. Mali is constantly suffering An independent US veterinarian (there is no elephant specialist in all Philippines) was called to assess Mali’s health and determined that the elephant is constantly suffering. The zoo clearly lacks the resources and knowledge needed to care for an animal like Mali. It is simply cruel to hold Mali captured at Manila Zoo - she will shortly die if she stays in the zoo, says elephant experts, see the video below. You have a chance to change that! Will you please do all you can to facilitate Malis transfer to a sanctuary, as ordered by a directive from the Office of the President? Elephant sanctuary is waiting for Mali Boon Lotts Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) in Thailand has been recommended as the best place for Mali by several elephant experts who have evaluated numerous sanctuaries in Asia. The facility has already agreed to accept Mali. There is money and expertise available to transfer Mali to sanctuary PETA has volunteered to cover all expenses related to Malis transport and the care needed to prepare her for the journey. They have also agreed to coordinate the transfer. Petition to free Mali to sanctuary and give her chance to live free without human intervention People all over the world are paying attention to Malis ongoing plight and ask that Mali be sent to a sanctuary with other elephants where she is no longer denied the opportunity to engage in activities that elephants need for their physical, mental, and emotional health. There is a petition of almost 60000 people to free Mali. No more elephants in zoo – decision of progressive zoos in the world The Manila Zoo has a chance to join a growing number of progressive zoos – including several in the UK and the US – who have realised that they cannot possibly fulfil the complex needs of elephants and have closed their elephant exhibits. The government of India has ordered that all elephants in zoos be transferred to government-run sanctuaries. Please help give Mali the life she truly deserves. The only right decisive action without delay Time has come now for you to take the only right decisive action without delay to get Mali on her way to the sanctuary where she can live in nature with other elephants and receive the proper care for her feet problems and overweight. Please transfer her immediately. The Office of the President has issued a directive stating that Mali should be transferred to a sanctuary after an evaluation of her health. A sanctuary can offer her thousands of acres to roam, ponds to bathe in, fresh vegetation to eat, foraging opportunities and, most importantly, the company of many other elephants. But despite the fact that PETA Asia has offered to cover the entire cost of the transfer, authorities are stalling PETAs efforts to facilitate Malis move to a sanctuary. The interview about Mali: https://youtube/watch?v=Ur1XZyEvou8 Video of Mali: https://youtube/watch?v=AVyqRj9ndOg Kind Regards, CO Manuela Popiel Ambro Media Design AB Box 187 244 23 Kävlinge Sweden ------------------------ tel. +46 (0)46-730 550 ------------------------
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:23:08 +0000

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