What is this concept of minimum effort producing maximum - TopicsExpress

   What is this concept of minimum effort producing maximum results? ‘Economy of Effort’ is about liberating yourself from the clutches of ego-fulfilment derived from unwarranted effort and needless labour. This is not about not valuing the value of effort. But, it is about progressing from a life of ‘Maximum effort producing minimum results’ to a life of ‘Minimum Effort producing maximum results’. It’s about being highly efficient and effective. It starts with some simple reorganisations! A place for everything and everything in its place: If somewhere you have to keep it, then, might as well keep it in a specific place. ‘Anywhere’ or ‘only here’ both take the same time to keep a thing but at the time to retrieval, ‘only here’ is economy of effort. A time for everything and everything in its time: Time can be managed only through discipline and not through tools. A fool with a tool is still a fool. Anytime is no time. Wednesday evenings are for reviews, first Saturday of every month is customer meet, Sunday mornings are for satsangs, 6 to 8 are study hours, no TV on Mondays, last weekend is ‘free from technology’ family time, my first hour is my yoga hour, my every year begins with my spiritual retreat, and so on… And, outside of my disciplined hours, everything else that’s not disciplined can happen. Disciplining what’s important pre-scheduled time-slots, makes all the difference. Anything that can be done, 70% as efficient as you, must be delegated: Sop screaming, “Me, me, me,” for everything, and learn to delegate. People will rise to the occasion. Delegate. Never do what others can do. You may be 10 times better than others, and yet, you cannot do the work of 10 people. So, get others to do what others can do, so that you can focus on what you alone can do. And that’s economy of effort. After every mistake, correct the system that allowed the mistake: Systematic Error Management will ensure that there is no repetition of mistakes. On project completion, audit the loopholes that allowed things to go wrong and correct the system. Turn mistakes into learning opportunities. We cannot avoid mistakes but we can certainly stop repetition of mistakes through ‘Systematic Error Management’, and that’s economy of effort. Vilfredo Pareto, the Italian economist, discovered that 80% of the output comes from 20% of input, 80% of consequences stem from 20% of causes, and 80% results come from 20% of effort. There is tragic amount of wasted effort and energy because there is too much focus on the 80% which is only yielding the 20%. Almost four-fifth of everything that is happening in your life is yielding very little in return. To achieve more from the less, you must shift your focus to the 20% that results in the 80%. Economy of effort is about how you manage, control, direct and utilise the 20%, which results in the 80%. Take care of the 20%, and the 80% will take care of itself. ‘Best Practices’ in all situations is what economy of effort is all about. - Mahatria... --
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 03:24:50 +0000

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