momincolorado (Parent & Teacher): Confession time. I am NOT a - TopicsExpress


momincolorado (Parent & Teacher): Confession time. I am NOT a Certified teacher, as my alias reads. I am an EA, or Educational Assistant. Ive been a DCSD EAI and EAIII for 5+ years, and have volunteered in my kids schools for 11+ years. I have seen things from a parents viewpoint, AND an educators, too. We moved to Doug Co 15 years ago specifically because of the schools. One of my daughters has been in DCSD for 12 years, so I can compare how it was with how it now is. You dont hear much about whats going on from the EAs, Support Staff, Office Staff, or Paras. We keep our heads down and do our jobs. We are the first line, the infantry, per se. I was told at my recent goal setting conference that I probably shouldnt put The Four on my car because, its like saying you hate your boss, and you dont want to become a target. Im sure other Support Staff have heard the same, and WE WILL be the first to lose our jobs - we are considered expendable and pretty much interchangeable. Some of you may feel this about us, too, but were the ones who are there every day when the teacher cannot be. For grade-level EAs, its not working with 30 kids, its working with 150 kids (often 400-500 in a day), and attempting to make a difference. A lot of us get paid less than $11/hour, and the BOE is running us ragged. Where there used to be 4 of us for lunch and recess, there are now 1 or 2. Where there used to be at least one full time EA per grade, theres now MAYBE one per every few grades. Many of have had our hours reduced to part-time. Also, I learned during this conference that were now all expected to formulate arbitrary and oddly specific SMART goals, keep a monthly/weekly/daily accounting of how were progressing with these goals, have four check-in meetings/year, be observed formally and informally, and take Professional Development classes (Im sure Im forgetting 10 things). Were to do all of this part-time, in between assisting in the classroom, office work, lunch/recess/bus duty, and other meetings. We get paid based on how well we can do this, and still be little happy rays of sunshine when greeting the stakeholders we see in the hall or in the parking lot. I LOVE my job, it is completely rewarding, and I dont want to do anything else, but COME ON. Something has to give, because getting paid an entry level wage, with my incredible $0.20/hour raise, while being expected to fill in all the gaps, is insane. Frankly, I know that I will only be Partially Successful, per the DCSD evaluation description, because Im not freakin Super Woman. Think about all the support staff at your kids school. Are their cars painted, are they talking to parents, are they holding signs? Im one of the few I know who is putting my face out there (I figure I have a lot more to lose than my job if I dont help this cause). These skilled and dedicated people like what they do, many have been in DCSD for 25+ years, and they dont have much support. I completely agree with my Admin - if we Support Staff find and use our voice, we become a target. Fair or not. After speaking to a wonderful neighbor tonight, Ive realized that I dont know what Ill do if the new and improved BOE are not voted into office. I dont mean to be a downer, but I want whats best for my kids, and my propertys value, and realistically, my sanity. We spoke about putting our houses on the market, and what school district wed move our kids to. I cant be the only person thinking about this. BUT, I dont want to move, I dont want my kids to change schools, I want to stay in my job. So I plan on doing EVERYTHING in my power in the next two weeks to elect a school board who will bring back some sanity to the Douglas County School District. I may be the lone EA holding the HONK IF YOU LOVE TEACHERS + KIDS sign, or talking to my fellow employees, even if they look at me like Im crazy, or painting my car. I can do nothing less. Oh, and by-the way, I have voted for Chase, Keim, Hodges, and Scholting. Join me, wont you?
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 04:45:44 +0000

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