my soul sistahs status update. i left the office around - TopicsExpress


my soul sistahs status update. i left the office around midnight, thankful that i missed the brunt of friday night traffic and managed not to get killed by near-invisible pylons from unfinished road repairs. then i saw this link on my newsfeed. and i got to thinking. in two weeks time, ill see my paycheck slashed by the usual 32% tax while i navigate through broken roads in a country where basic services are practically non-existent. and yet i know i belong to the privileged minority- not because im rich, but because so many are poverty-stricken and consigned to what seem like hopeless lives interrupted by noontime shows and natural disasters. and on a tired and hungry friday night, here is what i thought- which is truly cruel, inhuman or degrading, a mug shot or the reasons why it was taken? irony. its more monstrous in the philippines thank you for saying it for me too Fama S. Baluyot i want that mug shot of JUAN PONCE ENRILE. so bad i can taste the bile rising when the PNP says they wont give it--unmasking themselves for who they really are--STOOGES! and i want it because i want JUSTICE and FAIR PLAY--you know, that funky concept that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW--real bad. and it worries me that if they cant even manage this simple thing--release of mug shots to the public, what more the tremendously monumental IMPARTIAL METING OUT OF JUSTICE? RELEASE THAT MUG SHOT OF JUAN PONCE ENRILE!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 08:51:24 +0000

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