nature has a way of really touching you inside its a lesson - TopicsExpress


nature has a way of really touching you inside its a lesson everyone must learn it aint no use to try to run away or try to hide everyone must finally take a turn you may be a person who believes it is your right to be free and independent to the core well once you learn the ways of these exotic parasites, youll see that independence is a bore... Toxoplasma Gondii is a microscopic bug who carries all its genius in its genes it may be on your fingers or the fibers of your rug but to this bug theres more than it may seem when Toxoplasma gets inside the system of a mouse it doesnt make him feel that hes unwell it gives the mouse the energy to run around the house and not detect the prowling felines smell in fact it makes the mouse become attracted to the cat he doesnt show a single sign of fright Toxoplasma seems to know precisely where its at it is a very cunning parasite the cat then turns the mouse into a ghost and Toxoplasma joins its natural host... the cat NOW YOU ARE LIVING AS A PARASITE AINT IT EASY LIVING AS A PARASITE? YOU CAN MAKE A LIVING OFF ANOTHERS LIFE WHEN YOU ARE LIVING AS A PARASITE the Lancet liver fluke lives in the liver of a cow and lays its eggs inside the cows manure there it starts an odyssey which somehow will allow this tiny worm to work its way back to her the fluke-infested feces is then eaten by a snail who turns the larval worm into a cyst excreted by the mollusk in a slimy yellow trail but the snail is only first on this flukes list the adolescent flukeworm is then eaten by an ant and it lives awhile as an independent worm but then it does a special thing that other insects cant it infiltrates a group of the ants nerves the ant then spends its daily life as normal as before working in the colony all day but every night the parasite residing at his core manipulates him in the strangest ways by the moon the ant will climb the tallest blade of grass and sink his mandibles into the tip and there he will be paralyzed until the night has passed when back into the colony he slips and this will happen every single night until a chewing cow will come to bite... the Ampulex Compressa or Emerald Cockroach Wasp is famous for her reproductive ways for when she has a common household cockroach in her grasp she sinks her stinger twice into her prey the first attack will paralyze the roachs frontal legs the second one goes straight into his brain for if the wasps to have a nesting place to lay her egg the roach mustnt respond to any pain the venom doesnt kill the roach but incapacitates the nerves that tell his body to retreat since the wasp has killed the roachs instinct to escape she takes a roach antenna as a leash she leads him to her burrow and she climbs upon the roach and lays an egg upon his abdomen the larva chews its way into its docile captive host and feasts upon the organs there within the roach will stay alive another week until the worm can spin its own cocoon and climb inside and in about a month the larval worm has finally turned into a wasp who leaves its host and flies and so the natural cycle is complete so who says reproduction isnt sweet?
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 08:43:32 +0000

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