...never too late for the old dog to learn himself a new trick, - TopicsExpress


...never too late for the old dog to learn himself a new trick, right? Been thinking about going back to school for some time now; most surely some sort of trade school, as opposed to community college and the like...too much math and requirements lolz...but as it stands, with funding, school might be worth considering...so as Im doing research and giving myself a headache, I find The Stan Winston School Of Character Arts!!! And its more of a pay-by-the-course operation, or subscribe online for around three bills per year; I can totally do three bills out of my own pocket! And its all at your own pace, at home, and looking better every minute! Some certifications in sculpting and painting would be very advantageous to so many things Id like to do! I believe I might have a new 5-year-plan, starting in Jan.!!! By 2020 Ill have my credentials, and a legit gallery/storefront/workshop!!! Trust and believe in that, yo! ...In other news... - the new action cam works pretty nice! A bit grainy, but otherwise excellent! Gonna have to keep the volume down on the amp when Im drumming but thats just fine...Ill do some more test vids tonight, and if theres anything worth it, Ill post >;-) - the DRUMgeon is halfway remodeled and now requiring a bit of feng-shui and decoration >;-) some posters and pics on the walls maybe; my diplomas and such too! - new magic tricks are being rehearsed and perfected! A couple new money tricks...nothing better to do tricks with than good old cash money; it appeals to everybody >;-) I should work together a short money routine to film and post! - the corpsing project is moving ahead of schedule; I should have all the minis painted and complete before Friday, and what little detail and painting to do on the life sized corpse wont take more than half a day...Add a couple more severed heads, a few random organs and limbs, and the cannibal stew bucket of bones to paint...in all, everything should be finished and ready for a photo shoot over Sat/Sun. >;-) - my cd of the dHb recording is stuck in our player, and now I have nothing to rehearse to!!! SOS to Jeremy Mull: can you help a guy out? either dropbox or maybe burn a cd and drop it to my folks or mail to me...kind of really wanna pick up a couple more shirts too...do we have size 4x or 5x available?! lol seriously, I got friends and family that need them as big as we can order >;-) - in about three weeks, my artwork will be available for mail order purchases! Once Ive got the details worked out, Ill post an online catalog of available pieces and prices! And with luck, it wont be a bunch of 4-6weeks for delivery hibbity-bibbity! Two weeks from purchase to delivery! Yeah! ...no hibernation this winter...at least not anytime soon...too much to accomplish and too many goals to achieve, but all in good time 0:-) my empire slowly builds, like dust on the windowsill of a dilapidated tenement...stay tuned, and stay metal! ...day six; thankful for fresh and innovative thoughts, and radical universal openness, and the electric universe theory, and anything narrated by Morgan Freeman, or featuring Christopher Walken >;-) #SystemUpgrade #NewAndImproved #RedAnimalBeastMode
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 03:29:27 +0000

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