ok. Ive been thinking a lot about this the past couple days, and - TopicsExpress


ok. Ive been thinking a lot about this the past couple days, and bear (bare?) with me because this may be long. Normally when people make a big deal out of celebrity deaths I get kind of annoyed. What did they contribute besides whatever their thing was (movies, tv, music, etc) and maybe a drug problem? Most times you hear of them dying from a drug overdose. Yes, its sad. BUT I cannot feel bad for you about that, I feel bad for the families but Im not heartbroken. HOWEVER. Robin Williams. As someone who can speak from experience this makes me sad. I know that pain, that hurt and feeling of lonlieness. Feeling like you arent good enough or worth the worlds time. I know that a lot of other people feel the same way and I know that people feel this way and no one has a clue. Listen, if you feel this way, please PLEASE reach out to someone and talk about it. Friends, family, therapy...anyone. I can tell you it does help. I know a lot of people are against medication but I can personally tell you that that does help too. It doesnt have to be permanent and there is absolutely no shame in it. I can sit here and tell you that I have this problem. I have days where I dont want to get out of bed. Luckily, I have amazing friends and family. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys that make my life worth living. I know that it would be selfish and truly unfair of me to take my life. (and do not worry, i am doing better now, still have my days where I feel off but i am OK.) I know I may seem like a no body but I truly wish I could have been there for him to tell him he was loved and that I understand that no matter how much people say they love you sometimes the depression tricks you into thinking other wise. This actually hurt my heart. I didnt know him personally, in fact I dont personally know anyone who did. I DO know that he supported our troops 100%. I DO know that he was a truly kind person. That man was pure love and kindness. I find it extremely sad that a man who spent his life lifting others spirits and making them laugh could not find the same in his life...or maybe not his life but his heart. Please friends, please, reach out. Those of you who I am friends with on here, I have you as friends because I love you.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:55:16 +0000

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