ok friends, heres something possibly interesting for your - TopicsExpress


ok friends, heres something possibly interesting for your consideration. you know how occasionally in a movie here and there youll see a scene where the two guys are in a cash register line? one picks up one of the scam rags and takes a quick look, and the guy with him asks why the hell are you reading that bullshit?? and he replies.....because this is where you find the most truth if you know what to look for. you know?? like in the men in black movie?? that may have been intended as humor, but as many of you know...theres a small element of truth to that statement. thats kinda how I and probably a lot of you look at the conspiracy theories. especially considering the current state of network news on tv, and internet news, and all the now completely visible federal corruption(theyre still pretending its invisible..imagine that) the conspiracy theories and their authors gain a great deal of steam(with the usual measured amount of skepticism) in the observers eyes. that said....heres where im going. as many of you all know, the bigger conspiracy theories about the feds and banks and your bank accounts have recently been given a huge amount of credence by recent events. for instance: an astonishing large number of private and big industry interests have benn making noise that they and the feds should have the right to raid your accounts. certain legislation pertaining to he laying of the foundations of government ability to invade your bank accounts has been entertained and quietly introduced among certain circles in congress. where as right now only the i.r.s. has the power to do so outright. and the only time the govt can do so is when you are in trouble with federal law. this legislation would make it so they can take your money anytime they wish without cause or notice. a recent court ruling that banks have the right to mix customer money with the banks operating funds. meaning: typically your money is kept separate from the money the bank uses to pay bills and blows on investments. because of a recent court case where a bank took its customers money to pay off debt on investments when it failed and went under. the customers sued to get their money back and the court ruled that the bank has the right to pay their debt with customer money. this sets a precedent that implies that the banks dont have to give you your money if theyve got debts and investments to pay, even if the debt and investments were bad or even illegal.(guess who helped subsidize the banks legal representation, the feds) the recent events in other countries concerning governments, banks and customers private funds. such as Cyprus, Greece, spain, certain European countries, and a few other smaller island states around the world. when their spending and stupidity result in the total collapse of their countries government and economy the respective governments seize the banks(with the banks cooperation) and all of the customers money and take it to spend on their bad debt and stupidity. the talk by the feds about creating special government savings accounts for each person to replace social security and medicare. and I could list quite a shopping list of other real life occurrences here in the u.s. and around the world that fall in line with the above listed situations. many of you are aware of these things. today I got in the mail an interesting mail parcel. now to most of you it will seem like just a minor something or other to be forgotten. even to me it is only suggestive of the way things tend to creep their way in till the last moment when its established and then it blows up in our faces when its too late for us to nail the little bastard. which, as we all know, seems to be pretty much the way the current government, and other parts of life are operating. this process is what I and maybe some of you call the creep (verb not noun) like how trees spread a massive network of unseen roots into everything in the area. this mail I got is from capital one 360 a part of capital one. you know? whats in your wallet? the stupid Viking commercials?, alec Baldwin? well, this letter I got talks about how capitol one 360 doesnt deal with the cap one credit cards, they deal specifically with cap one savings accounts in this letter. and some of the usual incentives are offered. some cash from the bank to start the account, interest payed to the account, no fees, blah blah blah. you say big woopty, and so do I for the most part. but allow me to draw a picture for you using some particulars from the letter. first I dont know about any of you but I have never in my life had any bank offer to open JUST a savings account as a primary account (which is what this letter suggests to me anyway). its always been offered as checking linked accounts, or as an overdraft protection account and some other crap. second most banks wont typically try to get you in the door with just a savings account. they want you to open checking THEN savings almost as an afterthought in some cases. third this capital one 360 and cap one in general are basically online only except for certain atm machines around the country. sine law dictates you can only withdraw 300 bucks at a time from an atm youre screwed if you want to with draw larger sums of your own money. (guess who that shit hole problem is good for......the feds and the bank, not you) fourth they try to identify with us by derectly suggesting that we stash cash in multiple accounts (um...wow....that doesnt sound suspicious for a banking entity to say) and finally this. one small thing that didnt strike me at first, but whacked me over the head with a two by four a while after having read it. quote remember, you can only make six withdrawals from your saving account per month. thats not our rule, its the governments. ok....yeah?....and?......so what?? you say. typically youd be right, so the hell what I agree totally. but let me draw your attention to the last part of that statement quote THATS NOT OUR RULE, ITS THE GOVERNMENTS now....yes we all know this is a fact. however I cant recall any banks ever emphasizing this fact in a letter. obviously theyre trying to get you to believe theyre on your side and hate the governments involvement like you do. I have to ask, is it really just a new advertising tactic?? because when someone says something like that as a matter of afterthought(which is the way its made to look) its usually because there has been some kind of recent activity involving this stated thing and its weighing on the affected peoples minds so they incorporate it into whatever theyre currently working on. in this case perhaps capital one has been having government involvement behind the scenes and is putting it into their advertising models BECAUSE its so invasive in their day to day operations(whatever that govt involvement may be) you know how you do something for long enough or often enough day to day that you get second nature about it and dont pay any mind to it as you do it anymore?? why would they go out of their way to tell you this? mass advertising across the nation costs tens of millions even just for simple letters like this. why would they waste their time and money telling you something they do is because of the government? who cares?? OR............. is there something new going on that they dont want you to know about?? like......say...... most people dont know that capital one and certain other online invested financial entities are HEAVILY subsidized in certain of their activities by the federal government. perhaps (as a matter of suspicion and theory) what is happening is that the feds and the banks are cooperating to get tens of millions of americans to invest themselves in mass numbers of savings accounts or quote stash cash in multiple accounts with these online banks. once you do that your money is theirs. where are you going to go if you want your money? you can only get 300 a day at atms.................... so since the president and certain parts of congress have talked about the govt confiscating savings from u.s. citizens if they could legally get away with it..................and you have a HUGE brick wall (online banking and atms only) between you and your money...guess who can snag almost all of your money and laugh at your gullibility at an instants notice? its not as though they couldnt do it if they wanted to anyway right?? well try this on for size, whats going to happen if they pass legislation legalizing cash confiscation from your banks accounts?? theres going to be a mass bum rush to the banks to withdraw money before it can be taken right? not if youve put your money in an account with 300 bucks a day withdrawal, and only six withdrawals a month limits, and no physical bank branch you can go to for large withdrawals. not if theyve already been laying this type of foundation in the background like this. theyll wait a few years for a nice chunk of these type of savings primary accounts to grow massive in number and to feel comfortable and second nature, then like so much else recently(presidential and congressional deceit coming strongly to mind), theyll quietly introduce and enact legislation that interdicts and assumes some type of control(completely in their favor of course) if they havent already and its set to quietly become active at some point in the near future(years most likely). remember, as weve seen the current iteration of our govt loves to do big messy things to distract us and quietly rape us like a drunk whore in the background for as long as any of us can remember. its just as some philosophical nerd said historically, and at this point its truly written in stone, its all in the details. we all experience the creep in our day to day lives, usually its some type of laziness, like with tying your shoes. some people let the laziness creep in and they go buy Velcro shoes instead. or like with tv ads the products (usually food related) are deliberately subconsciously suggestive with bright colors and sizzling and crispy bubbling and close ups of the food made just so dammned perfectly. it just kind of creeps into what you think and do, and becomes a miniscule but effective detail in the caboose of your train of thought and habit. just take what ive said for a grain of thought if you wish. but at least consider the picture im attempting to illustrate for you, simply because if something like this were to come to pass (if it isnt already quietly) what are you going to do about it?? SUCKER (you know what I mean) this IS how THE CREEP works you know................... your friend, peety veteran
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 23:07:37 +0000

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