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: originating thread of this discussion rumormillnews/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=292495. The Rumor Mill News Reading Room Video: Karen Hudes - Quickly Becoming Everyones Proverbial Thorn In The Side. Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]Date: Wednesday, 20-Nov-2013 20:55:04 The author states, quote “The whistle blower community needs to get over their egos, and stop worrying about who has the last word. The whistle blower community needs to get everything out in the open to the best of their abilities - network together - and do what they are capable of doing, period. If you are a whistle blower that knows better than Karen Hudes, or you know more than another whistle blower - which many claim is the case, I would ask; What Can You Do? I watched the recent back-and forth between David P Crayford and Karen Hudes. rumormillnews/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=292316 Anyone can say; You dont know what you are talking about. Mr Crayford needs to explain, in detail, why he has a better mousetrap”. This is very easy to ask, but as Karen Hudes states in the first part of her interview, “The OPPT are a front for the Jesuits”, and this is where the main problem lies. Many of these people, Keenan, Wilcock, Scott, Drake, Casper, Fulford, White Dragon Society, White Hats, all appear to be “Front men” or “Mis-informants”, whereby if we reveal what we are doing and how we are doing it, they immediately either attempt to discredit it, or they use it because it is information that they have not previously held. If you look back and review all my articles from 2008, and even before that on other community boards, you will find I have revealed many pieces of information, all of which have been badly used by these others who have literally “Muddied the Waters” in one way or another, making our job far more difficult and very time consuming. This extra time consumption reduces the time we have to undertake what we are mandated to do and therefore the enormous mess that has been create over the last 6 decades. At the same time, you should have noticed how general and misleading the comments are by all these others. Just listen to Karen Hudes’s video when she talks about Yamashita and the Gold / Wealth which is a complete myth. She fails to recognise and refer to the London Treaty 1920/21 and The London Treaty Revisions 1929 between Nations, which is the true history. In addition she fails to recognise the 1968 Hague Treaty between Nations, The Schweitzer Conventions and many other Treaties and Agreements between Nations that have structured all factors around this wealth, with the one of the latest (January 1995) agreement being the Legal Appointment of an independent Legal Heir, Owner, Sole Arbiter, Controller, replacing the Trilateral, Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission --TTTGC (USA, France, and the UK) which was instituted under a side Treaty of the Bretton Woods Treaty. Those persons named above even fail to recognise the fact that many Treaties / Agreements pre 1910 are Private Treaties / Agreements and definitely NOT available for public viewing, which is no different to full details of the author, or any other person, revealed openly for all to see, even confidential information that the author probably, or any other person, doesn’t want revealed anywhere at any time. I do agree that much of what we know, and hold certified copies of all on record, is classified “Secret” or “Top Secret”, which we do not desire to see , nor do we condone this “Secret” or “Top Secret” factor, and that is why we have revealed certain information which we considered was safe to reveal at the time. We hope to reveal other information in due course when we have overcome this ridiculous “Secret” and “Top Secret” classification which in many cases is not necessary or warranted. Another point I want to make is the fact, which is so noticeable, many of the persons named above originate from North America, so we have to ask hard questions as to why. America is in a big mess which is not a “One off” situation because America have gone from one financial disaster to another financial disaster ever since the early 1800’s. Most of America’s population live in fear and believe me they should be fearful as they just don’t realise what their country have been up to for decades, but more to the point they do not bother to do anything about it, they do just sit back with a pack of six and a burger and let the powers that be get on with it, which is similar in the UK. However, in addition to that a few just continue to blame many others in the world for their own problems, hinging on a subject like the Collateral Accounts without knowing hardly anything about the subject matter because they want a payout to clear their debts, so they can continue to live well beyond their means as they have been doing for decades. To compliment the above, ask yourself the question as to why the TTTGC term period of 50 years was not renewed in 1995 and why the people who are the real controllers / in some cases beneficiary owners decided to appoint an independent Legal Heir, Owner, Sole Arbiter, and Controller. The answer to that question lies in the fact that the TTTGC did not operate the Collateral Accounts in compliance with their directives. Instead they were very biased and corrupt in how they utilised the Collateral Accounts whereby many Nations of the World did not receive any benefit from the Collateral Accounts at all, not even to reconstruct their countries and economies following the devastation of WW II. That is one very good reason why there is so much imbalance between Nations of the World at this time. A further point is what the persons as referenced above refer to as the Global Settlements. I asked a question as to what Treaty they are referring to on this matter, because there is NO Treaty referred to as the Global Settlements Treaty. There is a Treaty which was initiated by Ferdinand Marcos of which the name / title I will not reveal because you can be assured / guaranteed that one or more of the persons named above will start to use it as if they know everything about it. We hold a copy of this treaty along with many other Treaties and Ferdinand Marcos’s Last Will and Testament. All very revealing and will explain many factors related to the Collateral Accounts, none of which any of the above persons know anything about or even discuss it. As most of us know, America via its CIA covert operations was responsible for the demise of Marcos, but many do not know the reasons why. Marcos was an excellent Lawyer and had devised ways that the Collateral Accounts, which he was Master Custodian of (Known as M1), could be utilised for all Nations of the World and to prevent the One World Order from gaining strength. Yes, what Marcos devised would have greatly restricted the activities of the Western Allies, whereby the US Dollar would have been removed as the World’s Reserved Currency, not that those actual words really mean anything, because they don’t. Furthermore, he predicted a financial and economic crash whereby what was devised by him would have prevented this crash whereby the world would not have seen, as we all have, the Austerity factors imposed by many countries in the west, the “Bail-ins” of Banks who were financially bankrupt, the substantial increase in poverty levels, the mass unemployment levels across the world, and so on. Prior to Marcos’s death he passed the position of Master Custodian (M1) with all its rights and privileges to another person (defined within his Last Will and Testament) who carries a similar attitude and belief to Marcos, whereby it was that person together with a committee of persons from Nations and Royal families around the world that decided to appoint a single person as Legal Heir, Owner, Sole Arbiter and Controller of the Collateral Accounts. This person was also instituted as a “Sovereign Entity” within, not under, the United Nations for the purpose of being independent from all other Nations as well as being above and beyond the reach of all other Nations. That was in January 1995 whereby that person incurred so many intrusions into his activities, even from the people who surrounded him, that eventually, like Marcos he unfortunately met his demise. This led to the appointment of a replacement International Treasury Controller (ITC), and it certainly IS NOTWolfgang Struck, or Keith Scott, or other names that are mentioned above as Legal Heir, Owner and Sole Arbiter. This is a very powerful position and it really does stand above all other Nations of the World and it is the only “Sovereign” that can bring about change. This person is the sole signatory of the Collateral Accounts, no one else, and this person along with the teams around that person who will ensure that the Collateral Accounts are utilised for the Nations and People of the world. In fact more has been achieved within the last 18 months since that person was appointed to the position of ITC than what was achieved in the previous 17 years. If anyone believes that the people of the whole world are going to be handed packs of Dollar Bills, all I say is stop living in fantasy land. This sort of distribution will just end up being wasted by many who will try and come back for more. Alternatively many will think they can buy a beach house on some paradise island and live in comfort without working for the remainder of their lives. Stop right there, it is not going to happen that way. The funds will be used in a positive and constructive manner to create employment. At the same time Government projects such as infrastructure projects will be undertaken without cost to the people of any country. Initial focus will be on the Third World and Developing countries as well as the countries in Europe who have been brought to their knees by the likes of the IMF, ECB, and ridiculously immature politicians. If you really want to know just one thing that has been commenced, I will, with the permission of the ITC, mention this. The ITC has initiated the first steps of international legal action against the Federal Reserve, The World Bank (and that is not because of Karen Hudes’s disclosures), the IMF, the BIS and even the United Nations. This is no mean task and will take time but the fact is that although the ITC is different and completely independent, he still has to work, when taking action, within the bounds of the existing system. Is it no wonder that people around the world want to deny recognition of this person. Why all these others, as named above, attempt to discredit the ITC. They are in our opinion “Frontmen” and “Misinformation agents” who we would rather not even get involved with. We would welcome any information they think they might have but we are not going to open the doors to them and then shut the doors when they are inside, because the dangers are far too high. The first ITC did that and look what happened to him which is certainly not going to happen to his replacement. I have revealed quite a bit herein, so ask all these others to reveal what they have, if anything, which you will find very little, or of a general nature which I have brought into the open previously. At the same time, they should stop making claims that can not be supported by real legal documentation, or claims that we do not know or understand the purpose intended for the Wealth of the World. Anyone can makes claims or statements, it is all supposition, gossip, speculation, etc, but rarely can they support those claims or statements with hard evidence, and that is where the big difference is between us and them. Karen Hudes reveals in her latest interview, information regarding Gold Deposits around the World, which is what she has gathered from her position at the World Bank. She should not even have this information, nor should the World Bank. It is “Secret Information” and borne out of the London Treaty 1920/21, together with the Treaties I have referred to within the earlier parts of this article. This is where one of the problems lie. People have this information and then think they know it all, or like Treasure Hunters, go hunting for the purpose of self benefit. It is a Bloody mess thanks to America, the IMF, World Bank, BIS, and others, all of which has to be cleaned up before anything can happen, and it is no good just taking one little part of it and hinging on that, as they all appear to do. It is a highly complex issue and even I do not know all of it, but I can say I do know far more / substantially more than all these others claim and have documentation that prove what I am saying. One last point. All these Treaties, starting 1910 Jekyll Island Treaty right through to the `1971 removal of the Gold Standard are all structured (Long Term objectives) of the cabal from which they have effectively hi-jacked the Collateral Accounts and used them fraudulently for things like the Mitterand Protocols, Covert / Black operations, generation and financing of wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. Follow the money trial back to its source and that is one thing that will be established very early on in any investigations. In 1999 through to 2006 America paid to the Collateral Accounts Trillions of Dollars in Freddie Macs and Fannie Maes by way of reimbursement for theft and fraud against the Collateral Accounts in previous years. The reason it was paid in Freddie Macs and Fannie Maes was because neither Bill Clinton nor George Bush Jnr wanted it entered into the Government accounts as it would be so conspicuous, and then they, as well as America as a whole, would have had to have faced reality very quickly. As it was this reality was delayed and reared its ugly head in 2007 placing the whole world into financial and economic chaos. I will not say anymore as this article is long enough as it is, but there is a lot more to know, which these others DO NOT know. Regards David P. Crayford Interviews with Karen Hudes former World Bank Senior Counsel https://youtube/watch?v=6sejSsv_Bwo#t=671 https://youtube/watch?v=_C3LcsTtMu0
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 01:18:36 +0000

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