people really need to learn that human error exists. I believe - TopicsExpress


people really need to learn that human error exists. I believe myself to be a feminist but sometimes I slip up. Ive only been familiar with these concepts for maximum a year and even though they fit well with my set values sometimes I say things that arent completely thought out. I am not justifying their meaning or even their intent but its part of human nature to make mistakes. I will never be able to learn from my mistakes,if every time I say something wrong I am brought down. made to feel stupid, pathetic, un-educated. maybe if people were to explain the problems in someones idea, or to pose a alternative view instead of immediately getting defensive and accusatory then there wouldnt be the same level of social stigma attached to the view points that I am such a strong beliver in, but feel that I cannot express with out a world of judgment from the people that feel the same. How am I, a fifteen year old girl, to understand every single aspect of issues that have only been put in my head minutes before? how am I supposed to learn about this issue if I feel pressured, stupid, foolish when saying something that does not directly agree with category within. when I am being accused of being a bad example of a person, there is little chance that I am going to want to learn, as I will be to afraid to question in future. If only certain people would realize that the majority of the people my age dont even know what a feminist is, that their political knowledge stretches to the extent that when they are eighteen they will be able to vote but probably wont because whats the point anyway. if only they could realize that attacking people for their lack of knowledge is only going to make life more difficult for them in the long run because no one is going to listen when you are hostile and aggressive. that I am dyslexic, and I am not claiming to be the next ani difranco or rosie the rivitor and I am tired not only from lack of sleep but from the feeling that even within minority groups I am being attacked by my sisters my family because sometimes I say the wrong thing or words fall out of my mouth that arent correct and I am not saying that I will not change them. I am not denying that they are wrong but before I have a chance to correct myself I am being showered with judgment and hatred in my home where I am supposed to feel safe. its terrifying that I am being victimized for my lack of knowledge, when I had to go seeking for it in the first place.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 20:15:51 +0000

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