pg no 216 to 220 Tortured casts a shadow of the diabolism of - TopicsExpress


pg no 216 to 220 Tortured casts a shadow of the diabolism of the banias on the people of the world and under that influence they dream weird dreams in which night appears to them as day and day as night. The dreams that occur to them are of so many different kinds that it is impossible to describe all of them. Earlier when people, whether kings or paupers, used to have such dreams, they could instantly know that somebody was performing diabolism to harm them and the world at large. They would then try to find its source. But now the banias with their diabolic power have captivated the intellect of the people. And the people, whether kings or the poor, do not understand the mystery even if the dreams result in impediments and disturbance in their activities. Even if one tries hard to make them understand, they will not because they have lost their power of thinking. They will vouch for the vidya of Raja Bhoj and Boliya dhobi. The people of the world have heard about it. But dear brothers! The fact is that no living being can enter the discarded body of any other living being. It is the influence of diabolism which makes people see such miracle. They will first kill a person and then a face resembling his appears in the dreams of others. The way Raja Bhoj and Boliya dhobi were killed in the same way these saudagars must have killed the king of Delhi. So King adorning the throne of Delhi must be the replacement of the original King and he must be someone from the community of these saudagars. The people of India say that when the Muslim King sat on the throne of Delhi, he forced the rulers of the princely states to send him their daughters for Nauroza (a custom in which the King had to be offered girls, nine days before their wedding. He harassed and exploited the rulers a lot. It is most likely that these saudagars had spoiled the intellect of the king and that’s why he let lose a reign of terror. But I am not exactly sure whether the banias had actually killed the king of Delhi and in his place seated someone from their community on the throne. The people of the banias community alone will be knowing about it. Nobody in the world including the kings know the secret behind it. The Badshah (the Moghul King) of Delhi did not for a moment think that the atrocities he was committing on his subject would soon come to the knowledge of Kings of other countries, who would then attack him and capture his kingdom. The axe would then fall on the children of all the Muslims. He did not think about the consequences. Nor did his predecessor. The banias with their diabolic power might have corrupted their wisdom. That’s why they did not bother about the consequences. If it was not so, then the banias must have secretly killed the real King of Delhi and the one occupying the throne must be someone from their community. After he had occupied the throne, he must have started persecuting rulers of smaller states. Once a person belonging to the banias community succeeds in capturing power, he would like to see the end of other rulers as well as commoners of the world. With this objective in mind they might have committed this fraud. While doing so they must have mesmerised the brothers, the attendants, the wives and the sons of the king, so that they would accept the imposter as the real king. If a king indulges in persecution of others, his brothers and even his sons dethrone him and one of his sons occupies the throne. If the king has no sons, one of his brothers is made the king in his place. But only a noble and righteous person is made the King. When the king indulges in misrule and commits atrocities on others, he brings his own downfall. His subordinates numbering in thousands, too start committing atrocities because their wisdom has been destroyed under the influence of diabolism. The banias with their diabolism make people think that the perpetrators of injustice are the rich and affluent people of the state and so let them do whatever they want to. When their acts of injustice cross the limits, people begin to say, that they would soon lose their kingdom, the downfall of which has been caused by none other than themselves. Even if somebody gives a sincere advice to a king, who is Perpetuating injustice, not to do so, he would not listen because he has lost his sense of judgement. A sense advice is an anathema to him. They say that it is the influence of Kalu (the harbinger of the present age) which makes people take umbrage at the sane and sincere advice given to them. You do not know that what you call as the Kaliyuga is another name of the diabolic regime of the banias. These banias perform the mystical rite of diabolism to harm the world. People perform the mystical rite of wrong under its influence. In the earlier eras Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun and other practised this sinful ritual of diabolism. After the death of Raja Bal, the banias took it up which people attribute to the fall out of the Kaliyuga. This secretly pursued ritual of the saudagars like that of Ravana, has destroyed the wisdom of the people. These saudagars invite the rulers of the foreign lands to come to India and kill the King of this land branding him as an unjust king. The ultimate motive behind this strategy of these saudagars is to establish their rule all over the world. So, by hook or by crook they want to rule the world. The rulers of foreign lands are not aware of their secret designs and so they fall prey to the allurement of these banias. They do not know that the ultimate aim of banias is to rob them of their wealth and riches and to finish them off. The banias approach these foreign rulers complain to them that the King of their country is torturing his subjects. When the foreign rulers find the king committing atrocities, they kill the king and his descendants and take over his kingdom. What the foreign rulers do not know is that the banias had corrupted the wisdom of the king by means of their diabolism and that’s why he commits atrocities. They do not know the secret intentions of the banias, or else they would have thought that the way the banias have brought the downfall of the king of Delhi by first corrupting his intellect, in the same way they (the foreign rulers) would be doomed. If one could know what their real intentions are, then something can be done to dismantle their diabolic operations. And now I have come to know the mystery behind their activities. This has promoted me to write this book. I want the people of the world, the kings and others to make united efforts to dismantle the diabolic operation of these wretched banias so that their children are spared. Otherwise, the banias would bring the entire world under their rule. These unscrupulous elements indulge in all kinds of misdeeds. If a king or a rich man had amassed a lot of wealth, he is killed by the diabolic power, while he is still young. His small children would not know about his wealth. Then they exercise their diabolic power to see that the people who are rolling in riches, are not blessed with children. God has blessed every couple with children. But these banias by their diabolic power create severe disorder in a woman’s womb and she becomes incapable of giving birth to a child. This is the reason why some people do not have children. These people generally adopt children of their close relations. Driven by the greed of money they (the banias) kill people indiscriminately at an unripe age – be they kings, the poor or the commoners. In the administrative set up of the rulers and even in the governing bodies of the common citizens, it is these banias who are holding key positions. When children become orphan, they usurp their money. Without money everybody becomes helpless, whether he is a king or a commoner, a rich or a poor. Then stories are circulated that such and such person has lost his wealth and nobody knows where his wealth has gone. Just think money or wealth cannot simply walk away like a human being. In fact the banias draw out that wealth with the help of their diabolic power. In order to fool the people they spread stories that one who is not blessed with a child is surely under the curse of a deity because that deity is displeased with him. Alternatively, they suggest to him that God has not blessed him with a child. God, who is the creator of the whole world, would never deprive anybody of children. But the banias by exercising their diabolic power can prevent the birth of a child. When their diabolism casts its shadow the world is plunged into miseries and misfortunate. A number of living beings are killed. The banias perform their sinful ritual secretly which people describe as the Naraka. They perform this mystical ritual of sacrifice to curse the world. People think that they are under the curse of their deities or the evil spirits have captured them. For inflicting the tiniest degree of harm to the world, they sacrifice crores of living beings. What you people of the world hear and say about the so called swarga or Naraka and its eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus is in fact the operative structure of the diabolism of the banias and there eighty four lakh yonis of animate beings are tormented (A yoni is a class into which animate beings are divided which are considered to be eighty four lakh by the Hindu). God has made this creation in this form which you and me are witnessing. The phenomenon which you people erroneously describe as the eighty-four lakh Kundis is the diabolic operation of the banias, which is similar to that of Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun and others. The banias have set up their swarga and Naraka as Ravana and others did and therein they torture living beings which results in calamities in the world. The farmers, the Kings the rebari-gujar (trible engaged in tending milch animals), the kumhars (potters community) all depend on the mute animals for their living and livelihood, which all of us know. Elephants, horses, camels and even cows and buffaloes are used in the palace of the king. The farmers use bullocks and he-buffaloes for agriculture and cows and buffaloes for milk. The rebaris keep goats, sheep and she-camels. Similarly the kumhars and the beldars (labourers) use donkey for their livelihood. All those mute animals and beasts of burden are the source of our livelihood. Therefore they must be treated the same way as we treat our parents. We should never be ungrateful to them. The elephants, the horses and the camels carry men and material on their back and therefore people keeping them should treat them with compassion. Similarly, those who keep goats, sheep and camels to earn their livelihood should treat these animals with respect and gratitude. The donkeys are used for carrying load and bullocks are used in agriculture and so they too deserve kindness and compassion at the hands of their owners. These poor animals are mute and cannot speak out their agonies and ecstasies. It is for us human beings to understand their problems because they are our bread-earners. All over the world people depend on these animals for their livelihood.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 16:09:23 +0000

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