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***please read and share on your timeline/newsfeeds*** Thank you Danny I used to be like any young child growing up (so i thought)..ing into this world and seeing things that I did not agree with. I often wondered how I could help change things. I wondered so much that it actually became a goal to try and figure it out. I used to think that I was different than everyone...often feeling lonely, often feeling overwhelmed by the worlds problems and often taking them all on as my own. I wanted to help but it simply hurt too much to reach out so far... One day I was asking myself what is a healer? what makes a healer? what separates a healer from anyone else, Is there separation? Does everyone heal? I think I was probably a freshman in high school at this time. After asking these questions and pondering for a few days I asked myself how is it that I heal? Can I heal everything? Can I heal the Earth? I received probably the most simple and profound answers, it was a neutral voice, calming and nurturing...simply says you heal with your smile Realizing that sometimes the simplest answers are the most amazing, our love for one another is a gift in itself. The fact that we have the ability to go inside of our hearts and REALLY feel emotion and LOVE is a blessing. This is a tool and a miracle that is often overlooked by so many people. I think that most people may have wanted to help the Earth or their community at some point in their lives. I know that everyone has a heart and the ability to love and to care for others, to care for their community, but it can often become a cemented fortress of societalized fear, woes, stress, and other low vibration yucks. We are on the brink of change. You need to know the bad in order to know the good, to be slingshot forward into a remarkable time, we must have had to go through shit, this is what brings us value in our growth. If you are someone who has a heart, who cares for the Earth and your community, friends, children, families (Im pretty sure you are) I welcome you to join us in sitting for a worldwide event tomorrow (Saturday 11/23/2013) 1:10pm Pacific time in silence, to be in your hearts, to feel the love that you always have been wanting to share beyond just your family... To sit in silence and gratitude, to feel the bliss of those things that CAN AND WILL CHANGE IF PEOPLE PULL TOGETHER TO WORK TOWARDS A COMMON GOAL. If you ever wanted to make a difference and had no idea how, Saturday, sit in silence and visualize the utopian Earth that you have always wanted, visualize our planet being surrounded by violet light. Let negativity dissolve so we can bring in more light, The reason for all sort of crazy things happening is because our energy and the Earths energy is changing, it is rising. Low vibrational crap cannot thrive in high vibratory space. The Planet is purging as are many of you...feeling manic, depressed, crazy highs and lows, madenning anxiety...the Earth too is experiencing letting go of those things which no longer serve you Saturday there will be more people meditating on this beautiful Planet that we call home than ANY OTHER TIME IN HISTORY OF EXISTENCE Not only that, the energy which has been ligning up is going to help us change and move things in the directions that work for everyone on this planet to thrive and prosper, to heal, to let go of things which hold you back from being the person you have always wanted to be. YOU ARE ALL EMPOWERED AND DIVINE BEINGS WHO CAN LOVE. lets all get together tomorrow and do this. Why not? Have you tried it before? If you have a hard time meditating, have you tried recently? Tomorrow would be the best time to try it again I dare ya. We have so much power and it is not being used. Do you know that your hearts are sooo much more powerful than your minds? Lets work this out. come together. sit together, be together in knowing that you are 1 person of the largest synchronized meditation event on Earth. EVER. Meditation=go within, be silent, be grateful, be love, breathe, repeat If you can be a lawyer or an IT guy, or a video gamer, or a dj etc, you can do the above. Get off your hands, nows your chance to do something large and be a part of creation in a positive light. Something new Lets give it a try shall we? here is a world time clock so you can figure out when to meditate wherever you are on the planet. timeanddate/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=AION+PORTAL+ACTIVATION&iso=20131123T2210&p1=341 I love my home, I love my community, I love my family, I love my planet, I love. Its time to shine, its time to share. Danny G. Picard
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:53:19 +0000

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