Breitbart: “Having - TopicsExpress

   Breitbart: “Having outfoxed him on Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin has pipped Barack Obama to the title of the world’s most powerful leader as ranked by Forbes on Wednesday. It was the first time in three years that the US president has dropped to second place on the magazine’s list and came as US-Russia relations slid to a new low. “Anyone watching this year’s chess match over Syria and NSA leaks has a clear idea of the shifting individual power dynamics,” Forbes wrote. Opinion: We have said it so many times - nature abhors a vacuum. A job opening appeared in the global consciousness. The world was looking for new leadership, since the US president abdicated that position. President Obama remarked that the US is exceptional just like many other nations, and added that we are no longer a Christian nation. He led from behind in Libya, failed to arrest anyone for Benghazi, and backed the now-deposed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The president called on Israel to return to the ’67 borders, embarrassed Prime Minister Netanyahu on more than one occasion, and recently sent John Kerry on a fool’s mission to negotiate with the illegitimate president of a made-up people in a land for peace deal. Oh, did I mention that he lied for 3 years about his signature Legislation?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 01:09:59 +0000

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