q. This being than which no greater can be conceived - TopicsExpress


q. This being than which no greater can be conceived is: anselm.the himan being.the philosopher.god q. It is defined as the possession of the mental representation or intentional form of an object. term.simple apprehention.idea.judgement q.Hegel posits ______ in order to formulate a system of thought meant to explain all of reality? aufheben.dialict.other.geist q.The benefit of an ethics as proposed by Nietzsche is that it is: individualistic.empowering.all of the above.flexible q.It is the process which preserves or retains the essential and fundamental qualities and elements of an object. materialization.abstraction.conversion.obversion q. The basic idea of this fallacy is that a claim is accepted as being true simply because most people are favorably inclined towards the claim. appeal to popularity.appeal to authority.false delima.straw man q.Determine the syllogistic fallacy: (No ideas of sensations are ideas of reflection.) (Some observations are not ideas of reflection.) (Some observations are not ideas of sensations.) fallacy of illicit major term.fallacy of 2 negative premisis.fallacy of negative conclusion.fallacy of undestributive middle term. q.The Five Ways formulated by Aquinas, which is meant to be a proof for the existence of God, argues by: all of the above.examining the being of god as highest and perfect being.proving the moral need for a supreme arbiter.ecxamining the bieng of godas a necesary begining q. In ethics, that right action consists solely in the conformity of an action to a justified rule or principle is called: master salve morality.consequentalist ethics.deontoligical ethics.liberalism q. This, for Marx, is what we need yet the philosophers have so far failed to give. communist revolution.class struggle.ideology.alienation q.The Eight-fold path in Buddhism can be grouped into the following EXCEPT: wisdom.ethical conduct.meditation.usefulness q.Classify as either A, E, I, or O: Saintly men are not sinful men. a.i.e.o q.According to Hannah Arendt, what distinguishes man from animals? thinking.feeling.evil.symphaty q.The Objective Self in Hinduism. atman.brahman.kresha.vedas q.For Blaise Pascal, despite his rational Wager, he believes that without ______, life would lose its value. man.the heart.the mind.god q.Bentham felt that it was not useful to involve legislature or societal constraints on: all of the above.public matters because the stake is unsure.private matters because the stakes are low.animals because they are erelivant to man q.In the first two Noble Truths the Buddha diagnosed the problem (suffering) and then identified its cause. The third Noble Truth is the realisation that there is a cure, and the fourth Noble Truth, in which the Buddha set out the Eightfold Path, is the way to achieve a release from suffering. Because of this, the Buddha is often likened to: a physical.a king.a wife.a businessman q. A vast philosophical system which highlights the inner man and his reality. confucianism.hegelianism.daoism.hinduism q.Determine the Mood and Figure: (It is suggested that you use a scratch paper to illustrate the Subject, Predicate, and Middle Term first) (All X are Y) (All Z are X) (Therefore, all Z are Y.) aaa 2. aaa 4. eao 4. aaa 1 q. Determine the quantity or extension of the subject term: Every month has at least twenty eight days. universal . singular. collective. particular q. Which is not a kind or part of the soul for Aristotle? sensitive. spirited. vegetative. rational q. Like a balloon, that part of Brahman which is the higher part, and is thus unknowable, is called: nerguna. uddalaka. saguna. mahayana q.What is characteristic of human consciousness? anguish.being.faith. nothingness q. What is the PRIMARY root of all suffering according to Buddha? stupidity. vanity. attachments. education q. Nietzsche said that God is dead because: the concept of god no longer works for modernity. man must replace god and rule over the inferior. he is an atheist. he is an nihilist who thinks the life is not worth living q. In the Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky, Ivan says he wants to return the ticket of his to God. Why? he is going to comit suicide. he wants to be reunited with the creator. he does not think that god exist. because the world is an orderly and beaustiful place wher he does deserve to be in q. Determine whether or not the hypothetical syllogism is valid or invalid, and if valid, determine which kind. (If p, q.) (q.) (p.) conditional. conjunctive. invalid. disjunctive q. Specifically refers to the illusion superimposed upon reality as an effect of ignorance. nervana. maya. sankhya. moksh q. The study of what is good and what is evil is taken under ethics. metapysis. philosophy of man or rational psychology. epistemology q. For David Hume, even the liveliest thought is inferior to ______. the dullest sensation. creativity. imagination. ideas. q. According to Augustine, _______ allows for the very possibility of knowing. effort. feelings. faith. reason q. Utilitarian ethics is often criticized because it undermines: pleasures of an individual. the collective. the uniqueness of man. feelings q. According to Hinduism, the self which consists of flesh and blood and is dependent on food, and therefore is changeable. intellect. bliss. volation. body q. The Ontological Argument formulated by Anselm, which is meant to be a proof for the existence of God, argues by: proving the moral need for a supreme arbiter. examining the being of god as a necessary beggining. examining the being o f god as highest and perfect being . all of the above q. Since all existent things depend upon other things for their existence, there must exist at least one thing that is not dependent and so is a ______. being of the highest degree. first mover. great designer. necessary being q. The Wager, which was formulated by Blaise Pascal, is a ______ of God. proof for the non-existence .resolution of the loopholes, such as evil, in the notion. statistical and probaility based case for the belief . proof for the existence q. Determine the type of opposition between the propositions: All men are rational (A), Some men are not rational (O) sub alternation. .sub contrary . contrariety. contradiction q. Human beings are pour soi, or being-for-itself, but becomes en soi, or being being-in-itself, when: when we isnsit on freedom. when we abandon ourselves passively to the prevailing state of affairs. when we feel anguish. when we realize that existence preceeds essence q. The inquiry on beautiful and ugly, as well as the fuel which moves the history of art is: ethics. epistemology. metaphysis. aesthetics. q. The most important Confucian virtue. Yi or righteousness. jen or human heartedness. Li or propriety. chih or wisdom q. The question of the scope of knowledge of man is studied under: epistemology. philosophy of man or ratioinal psychology. ethics. metaphysis. q. A philosophical worldview which emphasizes equality and liberty among men liberalism. master salve morality. deontological ethics. utilitarian ethics. q. Determine the fallacy: All persons act in order that they might get pleasure. Even so-called altruistic persons who help others so much that they do almost nothing for themselves get pleasure out of giving. Otherwise, they wouldnt do it. Suppose a person hits himself over the head with a hammer. He must get pleasure from it, because why else would he do it if he didnt get pleasure from it? slippery slope. post hoc. straw man. begging the question or petitio prencipii q. This, for Marx, is what we need yet the philosophers have so far failed to give. ideology. class sttruggle. alienation. communist revolution q. Determine the fallacy: Look Mr. BIR examiner, of course I owe taxes--Im not denying that. However, I was unable to file on time because my wife was sick and my two children need my attention. Surely the BIR is not opposed to keeping the family together. appeal to athority. appeal to pity. slippery slope. appeal to fear q. The Daoist notion of letting be, according to nature. wei wu wei or doing by not doing. zi ran or spontaneity. de or vetue. lao tzu q. Marx blames this for oppression: class struggle. alienation. communistic revolution ideology
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 03:09:55 +0000

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