recently, i have been around Bukit Bintang for shooting, almost - TopicsExpress


recently, i have been around Bukit Bintang for shooting, almost everyday... there are so many homeless people on street begging... i have no idea they are real or being control by illegal group of people who make money out of them... what i did is... when im there... i will try to purchase some fruits, usually is combination of Guava (fiber) & Watermelon (hydration) rather than dump them with some notes or coin... the reason i do so is because, if they are real homeless... begging on street, i dont think they will buy fruits as their first choice... because the money is hard earned by them... while if they are syndicate... this will still reach the poor begging person as most of the time, they will eat it on the spot... by my own observation, i found that most of the time, they will eat the watermelon 1st, but never finish it... instead they eat half, and keep it for later.... from their face i can see how they seriously appreciate that piece of fruit... to them is something so precious... i hope more people will give them something other than money... maybe if you have old clothes (not those torn clothes, just something old and you might find the color faded or the style out dated, but yet is still good in condition) give it to them... extra free gift item, such as umbrella, cap, bodywash, shampoo, etc that you dont use... dont throw it away... they might need it... give it to them... seriously.... i hope this could help them... let me know what can i do better, if you think there is something i did which you dont agree with... and lets make this better....
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:15:04 +0000

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