sadness is a mindeset that is not needed, a mindset that over - TopicsExpress


sadness is a mindeset that is not needed, a mindset that over crowds the state of happiness, robbing us of our smiles , leaving us unwelcoming and faceless , there life becomes endless so we become drown to suicidal thoughts , desperation to rectify this depression turns to havoc, there engulfed by loneliness and memories filled with horrific scars we wish to hide override us till we find a bridge beneath our feet, our thought of positivity beat, unable to see there is always light at end of the tunnel , we stand there daring to fall but why ? if sadness is a mindset and every problem has a solution then why take the easy road ?? has God not said , “Allah puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him.Allah will grant after hardship, ease.”Al- Quran [at-Talaaq, 65:7] ?? did god not said , “Surely with every difficulty there is relief.Surely with every difficulty there is relief.”Al- Quran [Shrah, 94:5-6] ? so why must we feel the suicidal air breathing down our neck, the heavy weights we needlessly carry, the burdens , the regrets of the past , of a time that isnt meant for coming back, why do we lack the mentality for just moving forward? WHY, WHY , WHY !!! do we choose the easy road ? couz life is a challenge a test from god and both are meant to be faced head on ? i SAID both are meant to be faced head on! so dont you DARE wallow in your sadness, couz you are too amazing too important your life is too precious meant to be cherished and loved not thrown away in the hard brick below the bridge , you have a purpose, a destiny only for you in need of fulfilling , YOU are needed , I repeat, don,t you dare wallow in your sadness for tomorrow is another day , so get off the bridge and take a step , just a small step for that might be the change in need for better life , for a beautiful memory, for the forgiveness you seek the regrets you want to erase and suddenly suicidal thoughts become that of a yesterday couz today, today my lovely brothers and sisters, you are beautifully healthy both mind and body, all because of that right step in the right direction so by deffintion if sadness is a mindset then change it because you are strong and full of power and next time take the right precautions so this may never come again my lovely brothers and sisters ,
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:45:31 +0000

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