shows how the energy aspect of monads predominates on the upper - TopicsExpress


shows how the energy aspect of monads predominates on the upper planes and the matter aspect predominates on the lower planes. On the denser, lower planes consciousness is heavily restricted by the predominating matter aspect. As consciousness progresses up through the planes the decreasing material aspect gradually liberates consciousness, and the increasing energy aspect super-charges consciousness. These two factors combined mean that consciousness develops at an exponential rate as the monads evolve up through the planes. Out-of-body explorer Robert Monroe realised that the locales (planes) he visited had rings (sub-planes). He used the term rings rather than subplanes because the most natural shape in the universe is the sphere. Stars and planets are obviously spherical, but so too are galaxies and solar systems – the physical matter may be concentrated into a flat disc but the dark matter and dark energy (the subtle energy-matter of higher planes) forms a protective spherical halo around all galaxies and solar systems. So the planes, rather than being flat are actually a series of concentric spheres – as depicted in Figure 3c. Monroe had a system for referring to the specific subplanes (or rings) that he visited during his out-of-body experiences – he called them levels of focus. This very word focus (as in focus your mind) implies that Monroe knew these locales were related to levels of consciousness. Refer to Figure 10a in Chapter 10 for more information on this. Matter from the higher planes can easily penetrate matter from the lower planes because it is so much finer or subtle. At the start of the chapter I described the vast spaces that existed between atoms of physical matter. Well these spaces are not empty; they are actually filled with subtle matter from the higher planes. I will give you a crude example: Imagine a wheelbarrow that is full of rocks. You might think that the wheelbarrow is full, but there is plenty of space between the rocks to accommodate a sizable quantity of stones. And even then it is not really full because you could fill the spaces between the stones with sand, and you could even fill the spaces between the sand with water. That analogy gets the principle across alright, but it doesnt portray the vastly different sizes of the atoms very accurately, so we need another example: One cubic metre of water weights 1 tonne, whereas one cubic metre of steam weighs only 590g (just over a pound). Water and steam are both composed of molecules of H20, the only difference being that steam is 1700 times less dense than water. Referring back to the central scale on Figure 3b, water would be on plane 1.2 and steam would be on plane 1.3, so the vastly different densities are due to an energetic rise of only one subplane. We can barely begin to imagine how subtle (or less dense) atoms and molecules of the emotional plane are, let alone those of the monadic plane. Scientists who are busy looking for dark matter and dark energy in the depths of space actually need to look no further than the subatomic world, because it interpenetrates normal physical matter. Matter from all seven planes makes up everything we see around us, including our bodies. But we can only see the physical matter because that is all our consciousness permits at our present stage of development. Dark matter is etheric matter (the top half of the physical plane) and dark energy is matter from the higher non-physical planes.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:41:10 +0000

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