so nice to see some liberalism in the mainstream election coverage - TopicsExpress


so nice to see some liberalism in the mainstream election coverage on msnbc, but also the oddity of seeing James Hoffa speak as the leader of the teamsters.. the dynastic element of that is just a little uncanny or humorous.. to recap.. Republicans do not want to protect american jobs and DO support the TPP: In 2013, Keynesian economist Joseph Stiglitz warned that the TPP presented grave risks and it serves the interests of the wealthiest.[14][104] Organized labour in the United States argues that the trade deal would largely benefit big business at the expense of workers in the manufacturing and service industries.[105] The Economic Policy Institute and the Center for Economic and Policy Research have argued that the TPP could result in further job losses and declining wages.[106][107] In December 2013, 151 House Democrats signed a letter written by Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and George Miller (D-Calif.) opposing the fast track trade promotion authority for the TPP. Several House Republicans oppose the measure on the grounds that it empowers the executive branch. In January 2014, House Democrats refused to put forward a co-sponsor for the legislation, hampering the bills prospects for passage.[108] In 2014, Noam Chomsky warned that the TPP is designed to carry forward the neoliberal project to maximize profit and domination, and to set the working people in the world in competition with one another so as to lower wages to increase insecurity.[109] Senator Bernie Sanders, who opposes fast track, has stated that trade agreements like the TPP have ended up devastating working families and enriching large corporations.[110] Economist Paul Krugman reported ...I’ll be undismayed and even a bit relieved if the T.P.P. just fades away. and ...there isn’t a compelling case for this deal, from either a global or a national point of view. Nor does there seem to be anything like a political consensus in favor, abroad or at home.[111] Also, lets remember that Republicans would just as soon do away with minimum wage laws which runs counter to their own stated ideas of trickle down economics. How hard is it to figure out that people with more money will spend more money in American business settings, which begs the question: Are Republicans anything more than rich idiotic racists too stupid in market dynamics to even understand what constitutes a form of sustainable national growth based on real demographic indices? Or pose the question like this: If you are Republican, and you want to protect your children from the supposed rise of a multi-racial body politic and all the entitlement reducing side-efffects they believe in, then why dont you just pay Brown people not to breed? Well, obviously, the republicans are too stupid to read, because every scientific study that has been done on the issue has pointed to higher wages as negatively impacting population growth among lower income peoples. You dumb asses. You are too stupid to even implement racism correctly. Any vote for a republican is a vote for stupidity. Democrats are working to keep american jobs at home. Republicans cant even figure out how to make money off of the huge potential of sustainable green energy which in the end everything will have to be switched to, when the overpopulation caused by republican policies drains the natural resources until nothing is left, and lets also remember they all want the environmental policies to go away too.. So to recap. Republicans wanted gated communities in the midst of giant ghettos but ones which will have to breathe the same polluted air as everyone else, until cancer rates soar, and nobody but them can pay for chemo.. or some shit like that.. vote these ass-clowns out.. jesus and remember jesus had long hair preached love and was homeless..
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 23:06:37 +0000

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