so...the big argument in the world of talking heads is about - TopicsExpress


so...the big argument in the world of talking heads is about wether or not a employer must provide insurance that has contraception as part of its mandate. can governement mandate a item that a employer opposes on religious grounds. the employer is opposed to contraception, and does not wish to provide it on religious grounds. being told that the must do so is the government interfereing with there free exercise of religion. hmmm... heres my 2 cents. free exercise of religion means you, as a individual, can practice by yourself or with other any religious system you choose, and the government cannot interfere with that practice. That to me does not mean you can IMPOSE your religious practice on others. a person whose religion or value system allows them to use contraception should have that option. the employer and the individual can practice anyway the desire, but if insurance has contraception, then you provide it. imposing it on someone by not providing it because you disagree with it is wrong. in the PUBLIC sphere, you cant do that....if i got grabbed off of the street and tied down on altar so someone could cut my heart out, i am going to disagree with you that that is o.k. If i am removed from the circumstance by a benevolent, government sponsored swat team, does that mean that the government is interfering with the free exercise of religion of church of the southern congress of cut a heart out on Thursday (reformed) church? government does have in some cases a compelling interest in saying NO i think this whole contraception thing is one of them.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:05:31 +0000

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