sooo its been awhile since i updated everyone...things are busy as - TopicsExpress


sooo its been awhile since i updated everyone...things are busy as always but i guess thats what keeps me you all know by the recent pics justin and shelbys baby willow was born..she is just so sweet there arent words..i so enjoy seeing her as much as i can..she is just such a wonderful addition to our family..i look forward to watching her grow everyday..kyrah and kayden are doing well..kyrah is having a wonderful time in school..making tons of friends and learning all kinds of new things..its hard to believe she will be 7 soon..time just flys..kayden is just such a good boy..he really is what a favorite boy is all about...both kids miss there dad very much but take comfort in knowing he will return better than he was and ready to put all the mess behind him...robbie is finally on the road to recovery..i pray everyday that he can stay strong and fight for himself and his family..i love him with all my heart no matter what and i will always fight for mother continues on hospice and is stable..she is making her own choices and makes her wishes known whether we like it or continues to help with the kids and they just love him..i am greatful he decided to move home...bekka continues to love her job and is doing well...and i continue working at falmouth house where i love the residents and enjoy working with my friends...i had hoped to have a full time position by now and that hasnt happened i am thinking it maybe time to explore my options and be more stable in my career.... over all things are good i find myself at peace with my life right now..and i am handeling the stressful stuff better...what i know for sure is that whatever is ment to happen will...and i cant stop it so i will just sit back and enjoy the ride...change what i can and learn from the rest...and most of all do what makes me happy.....
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:06:03 +0000

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