Laptops Will Be Chargeable By USB In - TopicsExpress

   Laptops Will Be Chargeable By USB In Future USB conquered the world with its arrival. There was no reason for it to not grow like wild fire. It is easier to carry, great for data transfer and can also charge of your gadgets. Before USB, we had to swap the memory cards out and then access the files on our gadgets. Nowadays, there are certain upgrades in the USB family that have brought this technology to a whole new level. USB 3.0 has made it possible to transfer data 10 times the speed at which it was being transferred using USB 2.0. Moreover, a newer USB design has made it possible to be connected in any direction and/or orientation. However, the next big bang for the USB industry is going to be the new standards that will allow for a USB to carry massive amounts of energy and thus making it possible for it to charge even bigger devices like Laptops.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 07:30:00 +0000

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